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Write Your Story: Even If You’re Not the Best Writer


~ Original article previously published on Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog ~


This article has been updated with more details, but the story of origin remains the same. September 29th, 2012, is the day I started. I sat down and started writing my story. It’s the story of my journey from lies to truth, trauma to healing, and bondage to freedom. Before that day, I‘d thought about writing many times but never did.


Writing your own story is scary. Sharing your heart, your secrets, your pain and even your victories is scary. You ask yourself questions like: What if I sound stupid? What if no one cares? What if someone actually reads it and laughs?

Fear is the biggest wall a writer must scale to write.

While the What ifs intimidated my mind, another word encouraged me; the word a man once used to describe my writing. He called me a wordsmith. I’d never heard the word before. It sounded so beautiful. It arrested me. His comment was regarding an email – of all the uncreative things? I was in awe and disbelief. But he insisted it wasn’t a passing compliment.

His encouragement pushed back the fear, but I still didn’t write.

It continued to burn in me. The need to write. The need to share. The need to tell my story.

Fear held me back, until that day. That day in September, as I read a devotional Dare To Decide, I did it—I dared to decide.

I decided to write. I drew a line in the sand, saying, another day wouldn’t go by without action. I started. I started because I had to. I had a story to tell.

And even though I had no clue how to go about doing it, I knew it needed to be done.

I am not an English major by any stretch of the imagination. I got B’s in school, and my mother wondered how I even got those because of how poorly I used the language. She had been the valedictorian of her graduating class (back when they had just one). She knew all about prepositions and conjunctions and how to use commas and splitting infinitives and run on sentences. I know how to use run on sentences and misuse commas.



I had a story to tell.

During the Christmas season, television networks run special holiday movies. Most are not considered the industries best, or what is called an “A” movie. While watching one this last season, my husband asked why a certain actor, one he considered to be famous, would choose to play in this “B” movie. That got me wondering also.

Why would this actor risk his reputation on something ordinary?

Some movies are so cheesy, or badly written, I can’t continue to watch. But we finished watching this one. Even though the dialogue was lame. The acting was just ok. It wasn’t a bad movie. It just wasn’t exceptional in its quality or worthy of an Emmy. Why did we watch the entire thing?

Because the story was worthy.

It was a story worth telling. It made a very good point. I’m glad they told the story.

Do you have a story to tell?

Are you afraid you can’t do it well?



They are subjective to who is doing the reading or watching. The question is: Do you have a story that needs to be told?

A story that needs to be told will change someone’s life. Potentially many people.

Writing my story changed my life in many ways. While writing, I started going to counseling. This uncovered things I hadn’t seen in my life, and that gave me the courage to confront them. When I was done with the writing part, I was a different person.

Yet the story does not end there.

It was just words on a screen. For it to become an actual book, it needed to be published. I wanted full ownership of my story, so I didn’t pursue a traditional publisher. Instead, I explored other options.

Self-publishing is a journey subsequent to writing. There’s a plethora of information available on the subject. There are so many ways, and places, to publish, it is easy to get lost. I almost did.



I had to make a decision because no decision is a decision, and I’d decided I was writing a book, not just a story on a screen. It had to become published to complete what I had begun.

Self-publishing using a printing company was more costly and took more courage than I had to offer. I decided to go with Print On Demand (aka POD). I chose a platform called Createspace which was bought by KDP.  I learned an entirely new language that goes with the publishing industry. Things like front matter, back matter, gutter position, and page bleed. Before this, I rarely read the dedications, acknowledgments, or introductions. I didn’t know what editors or graphic designers really did. I’d never heard of first readers.

It took completing my book to understand all the blood sweat and tears the process takes. I see books very differently now.

I held many proof copies in my hand before I felt it was ready enough. I somehow understood if I didn’t make the decision to be done, I never would be. It took me nineteen months and eight days to get from start to publish.

May 7th, 2014, I sat down at my laptop, and with trembling hands, I pushed the button, the publish button, and I made my book, my story, available to the world. I was absolutely terrified.

Danielle Bernock

Even though I believed I needed to tell my story, my greatest fear was that someone would actually read it. I felt so naked.



I got feedback. It changed people’s lives. People could relate. People felt validated. I discovered memes of my words online.

The following quote from my book resonates with so many that it has been translated into numerous languages, is in publications, professional presentations, private* research papers, other people’s books, and found on countless websites. 

“Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated, the silent screams continue internally, heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams, healing can begin.”
Danielle BernockEmerging with Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, and the Love That Heals

My first book was not perfect. Far from it. Five months later, October 22nd, 2014, I released a second edition retiring the first because I discovered a potential copyright violation and other errors.

emerging with wings paperback and kindle



Because my story helps others, fear no longer holds me back. Instead, I’m motivated to get it out there.

This requires more learning and another start.

I started blogging. I devoured all the free resources I could find online.

To my benefit, I discovered Jeff Goins who understands the value of making a decision and starting. I learned and applied what he taught. I became a member of his Tribe Writers. It has revolutionized my life and writing. He taught me how to practice in public.

Jeff’s passion is to encourage people to write. He does it well. My passion is to change people’s lives, help them heal on the inside and grow on the outside.

I found the two go hand in hand.

Writing my story not only changed other people’s lives, but it also changed mine. When I started, I didn’t expect that. I focused on the starting and imperfectly took one step in front of the other. It has led to so much growth in my life and working with other coaches like Niccie Kliegl, Daphne V. Smith, and Kary Oberbrunner. Now I’m a certified coach and able to help others grow too.



No book is perfect, including mine. I’m sure I would change parts if I were to rewrite it. I discovered I use the word that a lot. But, on the other hand, I’ve been told many times my book is easy to read. I like that. I don’t enjoy reading things that require a dictionary to understand.

I write to share, inspire, encourage, and change people’s lives. That is a story worth telling.

I encourage you to write your story, memoir, or fiction. Even if you’re afraid. Even if the grammar isn’t perfect. Even if the vocabulary is simple.


Learn and grow and change along the way, but don’t allow imperfection and fear to keep you from it.

Someone’s life might just depend on it.




Empower Yourself

Orginal article here.

*I wrote to the organization tasking for access to the private paper I was quoted in. I wanted to verify I had been quoted accurately. I was given permission and verified my words.

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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kim Scott

    You had a lot of courage to step out and publish your writings. This has encouraged and inspired me to write. I put together some books but never published them. There were so many publishing companies and I didn’t know which way to go or even where to begin with putting them out there then through circumstances I put them down. I Just sat down and started writing again after reading this. I pray that I will be able to publish them. Thank you for encouraging and inspiring me. Kim

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Kim. It did take A LOT of courage. But I’m so glad I did it. It’s not only changed my life, but countless others. Please keep going and share your story. Let me know if I can help.
      Thanks for sharing!

  2. First of all, as an English teacher, I think you write beautifully! But I completely agree with you that story comes first. In your case, I think the message and the passion behind the message is so strong that it always carries the piece as a whole. I know all the grammar rules and I can throw in some fancy words, but writing with heart and truly connecting with readers is HARD. All my first blog posts were duds and I realized eventually that people wanted to hear an inspiring story or a helpful guide, not an English essay lol. And yes, I agree that self-publishing is totally empowering!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Wow. Thank you, Kate. Your compliment as an English teacher means a lot. I appreciate you and your encouragement so much. Thank you!

  3. Aaron Averhart

    I m so happy for your success as not only an author, but a survivor! I have just completed my own story, which grew into about 50,000 words of horror and triumph. Do you have any recommendations for an unpublished author in this genre of survival stories? I would also really love to use a quote from you in my own book. It so perfectly captures the essence of the chapter content. Thank you for your work, which I know has helped a great many people! Thank you for being an inspiration to survivors everywhere too!!!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Aaron.
      Congratulations on YOUR accomplishment. Writing your own story is an enormous undertaking. Publishing is an entirely separate journey.

      As for recommendations, I’m not certain what you’re asking for. Are you looking to self-publish or find a publisher? Are you looking for tools in the self-publishing journey or just advice? Have you let anyone else read your manuscript?

      I’m honored you want to use a quote of mine. Email me at what you have in mind. I’ll be happy to send you what needs to accompany it.

      Thank you for your kind words and for sharing a bit of your journey. God Bless you!

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