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Winning Against Mental & Emotional Chaos


Most mornings I get up and feel peaceful. Other mornings not so much. Those days I have to contend for my inner peace. Although I haven’t always won the battle I know winning against mental and emotional chaos is possible.

Winning over the mental and emotional chaos starts with recognizing it for what it is instead of what it wants you to think.

Inner chaos is sneaky. It lies by presenting itself as a singular thing, but it’s not. When we don’t identify chaos for what it is, it wins against us.

We need to see chaos correctly to win.

Winning against mental and emotional chaos is possible but isn’t always easy. Share on X



One morning when that mental and emotional chaos showed up uninvited in my life, I noticed something. I realized it wasn’t singular. Somehow, I knew that meant something, so I started doing a little research.

Looking up the word chaos online I found every definition said utter confusion, disorder. That sounded singular but I still had that gnawing sense it wasn’t.

It seemed to me there had to be more than one thing for something to be confused or out of order.

Then I found two other definitions (not online) that validated my perception.

  • confused mixture of parts
  • confused collection or state of things

Mental and emotional chaos is more than one thing going on inside of you.

The key to winning against mental and emotional chaos is unpacking it.

The key to winning against mental and emotional chaos is unpacking it. Share on X



Internal chaos is painful. It’s also destructive.

When the mental and emotional pain isn’t resolved it affects the physical body causing sickness and pain.

Unpacking mental and emotional chaos will bring peace. It’s also good for your physical health.

The unpacking begins with calming your whole self.

To unpack mental and emotional chaos begins with calming your whole self. Share on X



  • Chaos is noisy.
  • Chaos is messy.
  • Chaos is unruly.

To unpack what’s causing all that chaos there needs to be a space of quiet.

You may be saying “yea right, you don’t know my life” and you’re right, I don’t. But I remember when I used to be the one saying that.

This can help.

Take one minute.

Sixty seconds.


Be still. Quiet your body and your inner self.

I learned how to find my quiet a while back. I turn my phone on airplane mode, set the timer and sit in silence, intentionally relaxing my body and quieting my mind.

It’s amazing how effective this short little space is.

We all have an inner dialogue going on.

In this quiet space listen to the story you’re telling yourself.



Chaos is pushy and threatening. It’s like a bully picking on you.

And what’s the tool bullies use to torment? Fear.

Chaos is pushing some kind of fear on you.

Fear of failure. Fear of loss. Fear of something you heard, some sickness going around…fear is selling you lies.

Listen and identify the fear and push back. Refuse / resist the fear by reminding yourself how much God loves you.

The love of God drives fear out. Fear torments saying you’ll never get everything done or you’ll do it wrong.

Love comforts and helps saying together we can do this and when you make a mistake it’s not the end of the world – my grace is enough.

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.1 John 4:18 NLT

Let the love of God push the fear out.

Let the love of God push the fear out. Share on X



There are two powerful things to remember. You’re human and you’re not alone.

It’s powerful to remind yourself of your humanity because the words in this daily declaration I use are true.

You can’t be all things to all people. You can’t do all things at once. You can’t do all things equally well. Your humanity is showing—just like everyone else’s. (full copy here)

This declaration empowers us to take a breath and relax. Give ourselves the grace we need.

It powerful to remind yourself that you’re not alone because God promised to never leave you or forsake you. He promised to help you. You’re not helpless. You’re not at the mercy of the fear. You’re not at the mercy of the disorder. God is not the author of confusion but of peace.

Remembering God is with you and will help makes you stronger. You’re not in this thing called life all by yourself – even when it feels like it. I know sometimes it feels like it. That’s why we need to remind ourselves.

When we remember God is with us to help us, we can lean into Him and put our trust in Him instead of being demanding of ourselves.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT

Remember who you are and who God is and let Him win for you.

Exposing the mental and emotional chaos to the light sets you up to win. Share on X



Chaos lives in the dark where it can hide its nebulous torment. Light exposes it. By dragging it out into the light the darkness flees.

Write out the contents of the inner foreboding chaotic mess in its haphazardness. Don’t try to be neat. Let it be as messy on the paper as it feels inside you.

Write out the answers to the questions above.

  • What’s the story you’re telling yourself?
  • What fears are talking to you?
  • What are you demanding of yourself?
  • Are you feeling alone?

Turn it into a list.

This brings order to it on paper. This is step one.

Exposing the mental and emotional chaos to the light sets you up to win.



Go through the list and identify what’s within your power to do something about and what is not.

Things you can do something about might be task to complete or inner work to do. For example, folding laundry, mowing the lawn, or going to grocery store versus needing to deal with unresolved issues or emotions in yourself, forgiving someone, or praying.

Throw some fun in there and use colored pens or markers to separate the two.

ONE – Take the things you can’t do anything about and give them to God. Choose to trust Him. Remember He’s with you to help you and loves you.

 …casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].1 Peter 5:7 AMP

Doing that takes faith so be daring.

  • Dare to believe He loves you.
  • Dare to believe He’s got it covered, will make a way, or has a plan.
  • Dare to believe He’ll help where you feel powerless and blind.

TWO – Take the things you can do something about and make a list. Then prioritize. Identify how important each thing is and when it needs to be done.

Sometimes we think we need to complete something that isn’t happening until next week, or month. Sometimes we think we need to complete something in a day that takes much more time.

Prioritizing them relieves pressure.

Then take action.






Then remind yourself again of your humanity. Be kind to yourself.

Winning against mental and emotional chaos is possible but isn’t always easy.


I have won and I have lost. I got it right sometimes but sometimes I did not… Colton Dixon



  • Doing just one of these things is helpful. What works for you?
  • Sign up for my newsletter and get Love’s Manifesto here.
  • Listen to this video to encourage you God is with you—through all of it!

Through All of It by Colton Dixon


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. “Chaos lives in the dark where it can hide its nebulous torment. Light exposes it. By dragging it out into the light the darkness flees.” So true! Often in the process of journaling or simply talking about something that has been bothering me, I’ll feel a sense of relief. Letting it build up in my mind, on the other hand, made it seem worse than it actually was.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Journaling is a good tool to bring light to our inner life. Sometimes we don’t know what’s going on inside us until we read it on the paper (or screen). Once we know what’s there, we can address it.
      Thanks for sharing, Kate!

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you for this article. Your words touched my heart. The chaos calmed down a lot. ❤️💕

    1. Danielle Bernock

      That’s wonderful and you’re welcome. It’s my pleasure to be of help.
      Thanks for sharing!

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing. I now understand what I am experiencing, this article, has been an eye-opener for me.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome. I’m so happy to hear it was helpful. Thank you for letting me know by leaving a comment!

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