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Why You Need to Love & Own Your Life


You have one life to live. Just one. Your life and who you are today is due in part to how you grew up. Your family dynamics, financial situation, educational opportunities, spiritual surroundings, etc., all of those play a role.

Then add in the challenges you’ve been through as an adult.

But what’s happened in your life up until now doesn’t need to own you and your future.

Whether you love how you were raised or not, your adulthood has been hard or not, you’ve been traumatized by the pandemic or not,  you need to love and own your life.

This is the only way for you to live the best life possible. No one can do it for you.

It’s your life so it’s up to you.

It’s your life so it’s up to you. Share on X



There was a time when I believed that loving and owning your life was sinful. That’s a lie. It’s a lie that made me miserable and held me as a prisoner.

But God set me free with truth and love.

Loving and owning your life go together. Everything in our lives flows out of love or the lack of. If we fail to love our lives, we won’t take ownership.

If we fail to take ownership, we are handing our lives, our destiny, our purpose, our wellbeing, our everything to another.

We have an enemy that wants us to believe lies and steal our lives.

We have an enemy that wants us to believe lies and steal our lives. Share on X



There will be things in your life that you won’t like. That’s just life on planet earth. No one’s life circumstances are perfect or pain-free. I don’t care how pretty their Facebook or Instagram pages appear.

When I’m talking about loving your life, I’m not talking about loving the circumstances or having fun. I’m talking about your very life – loving who you are.

You are an amazing creation of God. A human created in the likeness of God. God wants you to love your life.

What does this mean?

  • To love your life is to see its value.
  • To love your life is to see its potential.
  • To love your life is to honor and respect the gift of life you hold.
  • To love your life is to recognize the preciousness of the gift God has given you.
  • To love your life is to esteem it how God does.

Loving your life because its precious to God honors Him.

Loving your life because its precious to God honors Him. Share on X



Owning your life goes beyond responsibility. You can be responsible for something without owning it.

Responsibility is a duty or obligation. It can feel oppressive.

For example, the third guy in the parable Jesus told about the talents. This guy didn’t take ownership of the talent he was given. Instead, he believed a lie. This lie made him afraid. This fear drove him to hide what he was given. The lie caused him to suffer the loss of not only what he’d been given, but he suffered the loss of the blessing that had been planned for him.

Ownership is recognizing your full claim to something and exercising dominion over it.

For example, the other two guys in the same parable about the talents. These two guys took ownership of what they’d been given. They believed the truth and increased what they started with. Their ownership was rewarded not only with keeping all they’d been given, but they were given the even greater blessing that had been planned for them

Owning your life empowers you to grow and increase.

Owning your life empowers you to grow and increase. Share on X



As I said, no one’s life is perfect. I suffered multiple traumas growing up that caused me to believe many lies. These lies brought much fear and I suffered a lot of loss.

Trauma causes us to lose the sense of ownership of our lives. It feels like the pain owns us, the memories own us, our past owns us… Those are lies. Lies steal. The truth frees.

It’s through ownership of each part of our lives that we steer our lives in the direction of healing by the grace of God.

It’s through loving our lives we have the courage and boldness to walk through hard places to get to the healing God has available for us.

Loving and owning our lives is how we become whole one piece of truth at a time.

Loving and owning our lives is how we become whole one piece of truth at a time. Share on X



  • Where have lies stolen from you?
  • In what area of your life do you need healing and wholeness?
  • Here’s a book to help you – Click here
  • Want to know how God set me free? Get Emerging With Wings here.


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Love this! Danielle

    We are created in the Likeness of God to love the lives he has given us! This is packed with truth! Thank you for sharing this. More people must here this! There has been seasons in my life, I didn’t like who I was because of the things I did..But God poured His grace down! Now I am able Love and Own my love! Connecting people to the love that heals! Awesome!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Andrew!
      I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed this and can relate. This is the message of the new book I’m working on.

      His Grace is amazing. Owning it is awesome. It took me a long time but I’m so thankful.
      You might like to read my Love’s Manifesto.
      Thank you for reading and commenting.

  2. Wonderfully put. I have been doing a lot of journaling and inner work that involves addressing areas in my life where I’m living lies…believing I have to settle for mediocrity when really I could be doing much more. Once you start to acknowledge these lies (and the fact that they’re lies and not absolute truths), it really does give you ownership over your life.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Kate and kudos to you.
      It takes courage to do inner work and own the truth. Believing lies is so destructive. It’s amazing how they can hide in our lives through perception and experience. Trading them for the truth is life-changing!
      Thank you for sharing.

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