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Why We Can Still Enjoy Christmas In 2020


2020 has been a year like no other and Christmas will be different as well. How can we possibly still enjoy Christmas?

As the covid-19 pandemic swept through our world many things we normally enjoy were lost. Loved ones have died, businesses have closed, jobs have been lost, vacations have been canceled and the list goes on.

Christmas in 2020 seems to carry more stress than enjoyment. However we still can enjoy Christmas and there’s one big reason why.

People who celebrate Christmas do it for different reasons. Some celebrate to enjoy the festivities of winter. Others celebrate to enjoy family and/or religious traditions. Some celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ.

And there are those who boycott Christmas because of its roots in paganism so 2020 won’t affect their Christmas.

I’m one of those who celebrate Christmas.

I enjoy all the traditions and festivities that go with it. I love the decorations. The music. The pretty lights. Everything. It’s fun and it brings me joy.

Even this year.

But I enjoy something else even more. I enjoy what Christmas reminds me of.

Christmas is a holiday for a reason.



Those who boycott Christmas due to its roots complain Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th. I don’t think that matters.

What matters is Jesus was born at some time and his birth deserves celebration.

I know it has a tendency to get lost in all the other festivities. That’s why on Christmas morning I have my own tradition. I always pause to reflect and read something that represents the core meaning of Christmas and what the joy to the world is.

Jesus was born.

Those three little words can slip by us without meaning or impact.

A baby was born. Big deal, it happens every day.

Or the religious mindset of Jesus was born to die so let’s just skip to Easter which is more important.

Both are missing a big thing and I did for a long time too.

Christmas is a miracle.

Christmas is a miracle. Share on X



I sat and pondered those three little words.

Jesus was born.

Read it out loud—Jesus was born.


Think about that.

I mean really think about that. What does it mean?

Jesus claimed to be God so that means those words are saying—God was born.

God was born? How is that even possible?

The Bible says that God is love so that means those words are saying—Love was born—as a human.

A human who displayed perfect compassion.

That’s when I saw the miracle and began to write it out. And as I wrote the poem Compassion Was Born I started to see not just one miracle, but many.

Christmas is a miracle full of miracles.

Christmas is a miracle full of miracles. Share on X



It’s a historical fact that Jesus was born.

His birth changed the world and history. Even for those who don’t believe in Him.

Because compassion was born humanity is capable of a deeper love, mercy, and grace that had been missing before.

Because compassion was born we have hospitals, orphanages and global help for the poor. There are compassionate organizations in operation without a church affiliation like Doctors Without Borders and The Peace Corps.

How Christmas Changed the World

Because compassion was born Doctors, Nurses and all the “essential workers” have worked tirelessly during this global pandemic.

Because compassion was born we enjoy giving and helping one another more than ever before. We have found ways online to overcome the obstacle of being physically separated.

Because compassion was born we enjoy loving others.

We were created for love. We were born for love. It’s the core of who we are. It’s why we crave it so deeply and hurt when it’s missing.

Why can we still enjoy Christmas even in 2020?

Because we have the ability to love and be loved deeply because compassion was born.


So please enjoy!

The knowledge that you’re deeply loved because Compassion Was Born for YOU!

Listen to it here in a dramatic reading:

Compassion Was Born


What Now:

  • Take this gift for you — print copy of Compassion Was Born – here.
  • Get your print copy of Love’s Manifesto – here.
  • Get it in audio — here.
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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

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