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Why Personal Growth is a Big Deal



Personal growth is a big deal. The self-improvement market is a nine-point six billion dollar industry. Billion! That’s a big number. Why do people spend their hard-earned money on it? Two big reasons. The first is hope. The second is the benefits.

Improving your personal life and growing is strenuous and often painful. It’s why hope is needed. Without hope, there’s no motivation even when the pain of staying the same is more painful than change. Hope is the reason personal growth is a big deal. It’s why the money flows.

Personal growth is reaping the benefits hoped for, and the payoff people pay for.



The cost is a commitment to yourself.

To obtain personal growth requires a commitment to invest time, attention and even money in yourself. These things will vary depending on what type of growth you want/need and how much you desire the results.

The results can also be called benefits. Ask yourself “What’s in it for me?” and the answer will feed the hope to motivate you.

Once you’ve tasted the benefits of personal growth, you’ll find the cost well worth it.

Personal growth is reaping the benefits hoped for, and the payoff people pay for. Share on X



There are countless benefits to personal growth; mentally, emotionally, physically, and relationally. I’ll share twelve to get you started. See which one or ones fill you with hopeful motivation.


Authenticity & Self-Respect

To obtain personal growth requires looking at yourself. When you do this honestly you discover things about yourself you didn’t know. Listening to your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, etc. for the purpose of understanding and learning is respecting who you are. Some call this self-awareness. Many balk at the term, but it just means being aware of yourself. The more you get to know who you really are, little by little you become more of your true self and develop self-respect.



Being over-focused on the end game in any journey of growth will cause you trouble. It’s better to see your forward positive progress. Any positive change in your life is an improvement. No matter how big or small the improvement, the sense of accomplishment deserves celebration.


Vision & Purpose

Personal growth causes improved focus and effectiveness. It makes you look at things you hadn’t noticed before. You see things. How far you’ve come, how far you have to go, and how much you can help others. You see and appreciate your value and potential. You discard what’s not authentically you. Clarity of who you are and what you are passionate about will emerge. Knowing what you are passionate about will spark a calling in your heart. This calling will lead you to walk out your purpose.



When you get a taste of knowing what you want to achieve it motivates you. With the progress of personal growth, a cascade or snowball effect begins. One positive change causes another one, and another, and so on. Seeing what you can become inspires you. Once you’ve handled continuous change you come to desire it. This momentum develops self-motivation in you which increases momentum.



Sometimes life is hard. Awful things happen. Events will interrupt your life at times without permission. The skills learned through personal growth are useful in everyday difficulties and unplanned tragedies. Having the skills available when needed provides you the ability to bounce back instead of being crushed when life throws those lemons (or rocks).



The frequent changes in personal growth build adaptability in you. This ability to adapt will serve you well in new situations, jobs or tasks. When something unexpected occurs you will be less likely to freak out.



Knowing who you are and what you can do gives you a sureness. You recognize your personal power and can tap into all your inner resources with intention. Personal growth makes you braver. It empowers you with the courage to face the fears that come knocking on your door.


Healthier relationships

Relationships with others and relationship with yourself both benefit from personal growth. As you learn your value, you learn the value of others. You take note of what relationships are beneficial and you invest in them. You build others up. You exercise proper self-care by confronting, placing boundaries, or separating from relationships that are negative or harmful.


Beneficial mindset & Attitudes

Our minds can be an unruly place. Like a dirty diaper, they need to be changed often and self-talk can help. This benefit is so important because the mind operates so many parts of our lives. Personal growth in the mind develops good belief systems and positive attitudes. You become the master of your mind instead of its slave.  Mindsets form attitudes and attitudes drive our lives.


Adventure & Excitement

The journey of personal growth is full of new things. New opportunities, choices, people, places, things, thoughts, and the list goes on. A beneficial mindset will transform any fears of change into challenges to overcome or adventures to embark on. This makes the journey exciting.



Personal growth develops resilience, versatility, and confidence. These all give you strength. Like exercising a muscle, each time you use those benefits to overcome whatever obstacles you encounter, it makes you stronger.


Happiness & Peace

You’ll be happier. Personal growth and intentional change are closely linked to happiness because they deal with issues of the heart. Things like acceptance, openness, emotional well-being, trust and all the benefits listed above. With every step toward your well-being, you’ll feel inner satisfaction. Dealing with stressors and difficulties constructively reduces anxiety and increases overall health. Accepting your authentic self, while working on being the best version of yourself brings peace. Knowing you are not perfect yet being at peace with yourself gives a special kind of happiness.

Once you’ve tasted the benefits of personal growth, you’ll find the cost well worth it. Share on X



  • If you’ve been working hard at growing personally – take a deep breath and celebrate your victories. Share in the comments so we can celebrate with you.
  • Need some hope? Get my book Emerging With Wings and let my story provide you motivation.
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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. I hadn’t stopped to think about the benefits of the self improvement I work so hard to achieve. What a blessing to realize the cost is worth it amd to sit back and realize how much I have gained. Mostly, it is great to thank God for leading me to the right resources when I needed them. That part was easy; he did the work and I followed and benefited.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I’m glad I could help you see the benefits in your life from all your growth. It’s good to stop and look. It encourages us and can motivate us. I’m thankful to be a resource that’s helpful to you. God Bless you and thanks for sharing, Kara.

  2. great inspiring lesson you shared. its a life-changer epecially like me who is going through a lot of depression. but i hope one day i will make a full stop to lead a happy life

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Shamsa. I’m so glad it was helpful for you. I’m sorry you struggle with depression. Hope is powerful. Keep holding onto it and pressing in – you’ll get there. Life is a journey and growth is a process. I’m cheering for you and will pray for you too.Thank you for sharing.

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