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WHERE IS GOD in this global pandemic?


My relationship with God has not always been smooth. In fact, my relationship with God has been quite rocky at times. And here we are in a global pandemic and I can’t help but ask, where is God in all of this?

Are you asking the same question?


I know he didn’t send the CoVid-19 pandemic, but he also didn’t stop it.

At the beginning my thoughts and plans were different than what they’ve become. Some remain the same.

I have been challenged in ways I didn’t expect.


I am strong and healthy. But I’m in the age bracket they said was high risk when the pandemic started.

At first I dismissed that information leaning into my strengths, wanting to help the weaker.

I meant well.

God knew.

Gently I felt convicted of pride and arrogance with words asking me Do you think you’re above this? I humbled myself and have been shelter in place since, going only to places I feel a release to go.

Some judge me fearful but that’s not my motivation.

I put all my faith and trust in my God and there it remains.

Yet as I rest in his direction, questions rage in my soul.


Where is he in all of this? How do I pray? What is effective?

I understand authority and I’m decreeing it where I know.

Yet I see pain.

I see ugliness.

And my heart mourns.

I cry out to God – help.

And he helps me but… as I watch others suffer and the proud rail and the fearful recoil …I mourn.

I cry out for wisdom and trust as best I know how.

Today I got an answer.


I dared to actually ask God where are you?

And I heard a reply.

And I saw a vision…

…like an unveiling

…and it’s wisdom took my breath away.

Where is God?

Where he always is – in the still small voice like he revealed to Elijah.

He’s in the gentle whisper. The truth of that pierced Elijah’s heart so deeply he covered his face with his cloak and came out of hiding to face God.


He covered his face.

In humility he covered his face.

Pause there and think about that.


Where is God we ask.

We want to see him put on a display that wipes out the virus instantaneously and heals everyone miraculously.

We want big and showy.

But the track record of mankind is that they capture such things and make them their own.

Over and over Jesus taught and healed in remote areas more so than on display. He saved display for specific purposes.

God wants our heart, our affections, not momentary flattery, praising what he does instead of who he is.

God is love. Without him mankind is corrupt.

Look around you and what do you see?


That will direct you to where God is. He is working in front line people and all those you see his fruit in. What fruit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-mastery.

The world is under pressure and what is inside people is coming out. I want what is coming out of me to be the work of God within me because I’m listening to his still small voice. God help me.

If you want to see God, stop and listen.

When we all do that we see an amazing display of God through each other.

Where is God?

He’s waiting to be heard.

He’s present and active in those who will listen.



  • Where are you in the story above?
  • Want to know how God and I patched things up? Click here.
  • This is where I am now:

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection. – Philippians 3:10, The Amplified Bible


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Love Love Love!

    Reminded me of a song I love by Tauren Wells titles Close.
    “ You move in the stillness
    You move in the stillness
    The distance
    Now I can feel it
    Now I can feel You
    Your voice isn’t hidden
    Your voice isn’t hidden
    I just got to listen, listen
    I hear You whisper ’cause You’re
    Close, close, close
    I hear You whisper ’cause You’re
    Close, close, close
    I hear You whisper”

    Good stuff. Thank you for sharing your heart, I found it so very encouraging 🙂

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Awesome! Thank you for letting me know.
      Those are cool lyrics. I’m not familiar so I’m going to go look it up. I like Tauren Wells.
      Thanks for sharing!

  2. Michael

    Wonderfully stated. God bless you for your vulnerability.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you! I appreciate your words so much.

  3. Joyce

    Thank you for touching me with your beautiful experience with where God is. I pray you & your family are well as is mine. ❤️

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You are most welcome, Joyce. I’m so glad it touched you. Thank you for telling me.
      Yes, my family and I are well. God bless you, Joyce!

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