Ever play that kids game What time is it Mr. Fox? I’m currently playing it with my life. Well, kind of.
I admit I forgot the rules so had to look them up (thank you Google®). What did I find? Rules to a game – duh! (head slap myself).
My life is not a game. It doesn’t run smoothly like I have a list of rules I can follow and subsequently win.
So what am I talking about?
In last weeks post “And Then It Was The Next Day…” I talked about time and how it can get away from us. How important things can swoop in and commandeer our time. Reflecting on what has happened in that time and what have I accomplished.
What am I going to do now?
That brings me to the game that asks that question. What time is it Mr. Fox?
The question is inquiring about timing in my life.
What should I be doing now?
Where am I going?
What is it time to do and what do I need to take my time doing?
Is it time to act or time to wait? Etc…

WHEN we do things is important
Recently I had the privilege of hearing Jordan Smith, the 2015 season winner of The Voice, speak and sing. He said something I thought was very profound which validated the importance of timing.
The right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing.

He shared how he had auditioned for The Voice previously but was rejected. After he went home, he continued to hone his craft preparing for another time.
His voice was not wrong.
The timing was.
His time came.
HOW we do things is important also.
Like how Jordan “failed”.
He continued to apply himself, learn and grow.
You could say he failed well.
There is a line from the movie Hitch.
If you haven’t seen it, the leading lady character Sara Melas has an attitude against men. Hitch does a very outlandish thing to try to impress her and epically crashes and burns.
Her friend is astonished that she is going to go out with him again after he had failed her. Her response was that he did it with flair.
Some might say to me that starting a blog and then abandoning it for two and a half years is failing.
They may even be correct in some respect. But I know I wasn’t ready.
Apparently, it wasn’t time.
I also know how I invested those years so I’m going to tell myself I failed with flair.
To be honest I still question if I’m ready now. I believe it is time but time will tell.
I am honing my craft and learning.
I want to draw pictures with words that bring understanding and cause a person to light up on the inside.
Validation. Encouragement. Being vulnerable and sharing.
I have come to know #TraumaIsPersonal and that we need each other. #healinghappenstogether
I confess that grammar is not my first language so it not a matter of if I will fail but more about how.
Hopefully, when I do grammar fail it will be with flair.
But here I am, standing in the light, taking the risk to look foolish because people are worth it.
You are worth it. I am worth it. Love is worth it.
Although I want to answer that question of timing in a successful way every time I know that it doesn’t always work that way.
Those of you who already know that are laughing – me too.
I’ve come to see that King Solomon was right:
To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.
Even failing. I have more blunders to share.
Can you relate? Please share. Let’s talk about it over this next week.
Thank you for YOUR TIME