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What Is There to Enjoy About Christmas?


People who celebrate Christmas do it for a variety of reasons. Some celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Some celebrate to enjoy the festivities of winter. Others celebrate to enjoy family and /or religious traditions.

And there are those that don’t celebrate Christmas at all because of its roots in paganism.

I celebrate Christmas.

I enjoy all the traditions and festivities that go with it. I love the decorations. The music. The sense of joy in the air.

I enjoy it all—it’s fun.

But I enjoy something else even more. I enjoy what Christmas reminds me of.

There’s a reason Constantine made Christmas a holiday.

There’s a reason Constantine made Christmas a holiday. Share on X



Those who don’t celebrate due to its roots complain Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th. I don’t care.

What matters to me is Jesus was born at some time and his birth deserves celebration.

I know it has a tendency to get lost in all the other festivities. That’s why on Christmas morning I have my own tradition. I always pause to reflect and read something that represents the core meaning of Christmas and what the joy to the world is.

Jesus was born.

Three little words that can slip by us without meaning or impact.

A baby was born. Big deal, it happens every day. Or the religious mindset of Jesus was born to die so let’s just skip to Easter which is more important.

Both are missing the miracle. I’d been guilty of that myself.

Until I saw it.

The core meaning of Christmas and what the joy to the world is. Share on X



I sat and pondered those three little words.

Jesus was born.

Read it out loud—Jesus was born.


Think about that.

I mean really think about that. What does it mean?

Jesus claimed to be God so that means those words are saying—God was born.

God was born? How is that possible?

The Bible says that God is love so that means those words are saying—Love was born—as a human.

A human who displayed perfect compassion.

That’s when I saw it—and I wrote the poem Compassion Was Born.


Listen to it here in a dramatic reading:

Compassion Was Born


Compassion Was Born! Share on X

It’s a historical fact that Jesus was born.

His birth changed the world and history. Even for those who don’t believe in Him.

Mars book quote
WHY CHRISTMAS MATTERS (2 Reasons – Even If You Don’t Believe In Jesus)


Because compassion was born humanity is capable of a deeper love, mercy, and grace that had been missing before.

Because compassion was born we have hospitals, orphanages and global help for the poor. There are compassionate organizations in operation without a church affiliation like Doctors Without Borders and The Peace Corps.

Because compassion was born we enjoy giving and helping one another more than ever before.

Because compassion was born we enjoy loving others. We were created for love. We were born for love. It’s the core of who we are. It’s why we crave it so deeply and hurt when it’s missing.

What is there to enjoy about Christmas?

The ability to love and be loved deeply because compassion was born.


So please enjoy!

The knowledge that you’re deeply loved because Compassion Was Born for YOU!

The knowledge that you’re deeply loved because Compassion Was Born for YOU! Share on X


What Now:


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I do not enjoy the holidays. I dread the upcoming holiday. These are some of the most depressing times. I am constantly reminded of how lonely I am.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I’m so sorry. Loneliness is so painful. Sending love and cyber hugs.
      I wrote something to help those struggling with it this holiday season. Click here.

    2. Anonymous, you are NOT alone. There are so many lonely people – and this time of year highlights those feelings. I just want you to know, though you feel lonely, you are not alone.

      1. Danielle Bernock

        Amen Patty – thanks for adding encouragement!

  2. Michael

    Such a well-written piece! Thank you for this!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you for your kind words, Michael. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you Valerie. 💞

  3. Awesome post Danielle! I love Christmas too!

    When you say at the end here “You’re deeply loved because compassion was born for you!” Love that!

    The poem you wrote and read on audio is absolutely beautiful!

    Merry Christmas Danielle!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Cori. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

      It’s so important to me that people know how deeply they’re loved. Coming to really know and believe that changed my life. It’s a miserable thing to feel unloved or unlovable.

      I know that just saying it isn’t enough. It needs repetition. Neither is knowing in your head but not your heart. When there are wounds in the way it can take a while for that understanding to travel from the knowledge of information to really believing. I wrote that poem years before my aha moment. It was a part of my process. But you know, you read my book Wings.

      Thank you for being a part of this community and sharing.
      Merry Christmas to you as well, Cori. 🎄

  4. I loved this article, Danielle. Especially love how you bring out the dignity of every human by using the quote by Brian Zahnd, and to focus on the core meaning rather than the trivial things like what date Jesus was actually born. He was born and regardless of what day that was, it is certainly reason to celebrate! Thank you! Second time reading it and enjoyed it even more.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much, Doris.

      The quote is from Brian’s book A Farewell to Mars. It’s a really good book.

      Thanks for reading it again and commenting!
      Merry Christmas!

  5. daniebothawriter

    Thanks, Danielle!
    Yes, that’s why we will celebrate—actually, can celebrate Christmas. The JOY, the GIFT was born.
    And a blessed Christmas to you too!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome, Danie.
      Love is the best reason to celebrate!

      Thank you for reading, commenting and your Christmas wishes.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! I love you guys! This is a wonderful article. I love Christmas too. I miss some of the things we did before my kids grew up, but Christmas, like everything else, is basically what you make of it.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Sherri. Love you too!
      Being flexible and adaptable are definitely good things to be as our children become adults. As I’ve let go of old things it’s helped me embrace new. This Christmas Eve we’re doing something new again. I’m amazed at what God has done in my life.
      Thanks for sharing.

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