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True Kindness Stories to Be Grateful For



November is National Gratitude Month. It felt trite so I asked a group of people. How do you feel about the focus on gratitude every November? Many felt like I did—it shouldn’t be just one month—it should be every day. But there were others that said they loved it and it was inspiring. One thing is always true—gratitude is important. So I decided to focus on something that causes gratitudeKindness.


I asked the same group of people to share stories of kindness.

  • Things they’d done.
  • Kindnesses they’d received.
  • And the kindest thing they would never forget.


Here are 22 true kindness stories. Each of these kindnesses generates gratitude and will inspire you to join in.

Each of these kindnesses generates gratitude and will inspire you to join in. Share on X




– A few years ago we bought Christmas presents for our neighbors. They had five kids and one on the way. I was friends with their landlord and knew they were a few months behind on the rent due to job trouble. So Christmas morning I left a bag of toys on their porch.


– I donated PTO time for a co-worker’s upcoming surgery.


– I stopped at Costco to fill-up, and the lady next to me was struggling with the card reader on the new pumps. I helped her orientate her Costco card properly and then helped her get her debit to read correctly.

Just before I jumped into my car to leave I went back to check on her and stopped her from attempting to pump diesel into her gas-powered car. I was just grateful that the Lord trusts me to help those I come into contact with.


– When cycling several years ago I met a guy who’d lost his 9-yr-old son about six months prior. We were both training for the Hotter ‘n Hell ride (100-mile ride in Wichita Falls, TX).  Cycling helped him cope with the grief. He also began fundraising using the miles he trained to raise money for awareness, and for families with kids suffering the same disease that took his son.

We trained all summer in the 90-degree Texas heat. He had a really old bike. It was heavy steel and unsuitable for riding more than ten or so miles. He put a really nice bike on layaway at the local bike shop paying what he could on it whenever he could. I felt so bad for him as he trained so hard on that heavy bike.

A few weeks before the ride was to take place I went to the bike shop where he had his bike on layaway. I asked them if they’d agree to a deal with me. If they’d forgive a few hundred dollars of what he still owed, I’d pay the $1000 for his bike. They agreed and promised not to tell him who paid it.

He called, so excited, saying somebody bought his bike. I played dumb, asking if the shop sold it to someone else. He thought maybe his church did it for him. He kept saying it was a miracle. That was fun.


– Shared gas and food during the Florida hurricane.


– While paying for our lunch my grandson saw the charity box on the counter. He asked if he could have all the change I was given back so he could put it in the box. I gave it to him and he fed the box with a big smile.





Jessica – My truck broke down today and this nice guy in the barber shop on main in Richmond let me borrow channel locks to fix it to get me home.

Jaime – I was a newly single mom looking for a Christmas tree and found a beautiful one on Craigslist. The couple gave it to me for free.

Carol – When I was a teenager, my car stalled in the middle of 10 Mile Rd as I was making a left turn. A man dressed in military clothes stopped and pushed my car back on the side street. Then he got my car running. I was so thankful.

Debbie – Seventeen years ago I was pregnant with twins and sent to bed for ten weeks. At that time a lady from my church volunteered to come do my laundry once a week. Her laundry duty lasted twelve years. Today she is part of our family.


No matter if you're on the giving or the receiving end, Kindness makes you feel good. Share on X




Aditi – when I was little, I got into an accident far from home and a rickshaw driver helped me home along with my two-wheeler. When offered money by my mother as thanks he said, “I would wish someone would be there to help my daughter.” He came to check on me after six months too. Don’t remember his face now but will forever remember his kind deed.

Heather – Someone mailing me a card with a gift inside. The card blessed my life more than anyone will ever know. The gift was a huge blessing in my life… especially at that moment in my life. It truly was God showing me he sees everything, and he’s still showing me these kinds of things today.

Alicia – I’m sure there’s more than one, but I’d have to say having my husband (we were separated at the time) create an intervention of sorts with my parents…for me due to hitting a rock bottom with my mental health. Saved my life.

Sandy – Every single thing that happened for two months after our house fire. I never knew how loved and blessed we are until that happened.

Barb – A total stranger fixed my car for me when I couldn’t afford to pay to have it fixed. I cried for days over that.

Annie – A friend donated money to help another friend of mine who had been in a serious car accident. She needed help with her mom’s funeral cost (who’d died in the accident) as well as for her own medical bills. We can’t thank her enough.

Jessica – My aunt and her boss took care of a friend of mine who lives out of state from me. She had a couple of teeth that couldn’t be saved and they pulled them for free. I will never forget that kindness!

Roz – When my husband lost his job at Christmas a friend anonymously put a Christmas tree on our porch along with bags of groceries.

Jo’Anne – Years ago, I was a single mom with no money for Christmas. The Goodfellows showed up with food, gifts, and clothes. They gave all of us hugs and prayed things would get better. I always give back when I see them “selling” their newspaper.

Amanda – We had no car and my mom gave me hers so I wouldn’t lose my job.

Frank – My church covered the expense for the week my wife stayed in the hospital. We had no insurance.

Jennifer – My mother-in-law and father-in-law won huge money playing the lottery and paid off our house. We had no idea how bad we were off financially until we were out of trouble because they paid off our house for us.


No matter if you’re on the giving or the receiving end, Kindness makes you feel good.



The more you know love, the more love you can share. Get Love’s manifesto

Share a story of kindness in the comments.




Spread the love

Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. A little kindness goes a LONG way. Thank you for sharing these stories of kindness and inspiring us to be kind and make a difference. It makes me think of the newest Cinderella movie. Her theme was “Have courage and be kind.” That’s a worthy goal!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome, Debbie.
      Thank you for being a part of my story gathering and allowing me to share your story.

      Have courage and be kind. What a great theme!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome, Colleen. Yes there is.
      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  2. One New Year’s Eve my uncle wanted to give us kids a special New Years. My dad said my siblings could go but I could not. That I had to work at the Snack Shop. My Uncle Pat asked if he could make the drive to come and get me after work if I could go. My father agreed. When Uncle Pat came on New Year’s Eve we got a flat tire and he changed it while the temperature was minus something degrees. We got to their house about 5 minutes before the New year. I’ll never forget he made a special trip just because he wanted me to be with my siblings and with my Uncle’s family. And Uncle Pat even got a terrible ear ache a couple days later, because of his selfless act. I was sixteen and I still remember this so clearly. I felt so loved. <3

    1. Danielle Bernock

      That’s awesome, Anne. I’m so happy your uncle did that for you!
      Thank you for sharing your kindness story with us.

  3. Lisa

    Thank you for opening my eyes to be kind to people that are not.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome, Lisa.
      Thanks for reading and sharing!

  4. We are a military family and that means we move often. We lived in Japan and met my hubby’s ship for a port visit. I got sick and was sick on the flight home. Yes, that kind of sick with 3 kids. A lady I met during our orientation when we first moved was so kind after reading a FB post I made. When we arrived home, she came to my house with groceries. Another spouse cooked spaghetti for my girls to eat. It was the BEST thing ever!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Wow. That’s awesome. What sweethearts to do that for you. I’m sorry you got so sick.

      Being military is hard. I could never do it. My hats off to you!
      Thanks for reading and sharing!!

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