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The Things that Matter


Somethings matter more than other things. We know this. But sometimes what matters most gets eclipsed by the things in life.

Things like busyness, work, and responsibilities.

And other times those things in life are the very reminders we need.

Some reminders can be painful rude awakenings, like a bad diagnosis.

Others can be precious reminders of what matters most.

The things that matter most are like precious treasure.

The things that matter most are like precious treasure. Share on X



I had a precious reminder so sweet I still savored it the following day.

It was only an hour. Just a short period of time. But it was priceless.

It was after lunch and time for quiet time. I sat on my comfy chair with my one-year-old grandson and he fell asleep in my arms. Next to me, my three-year-old granddaughter laid on the sofa curled up in a warm fuzzy grey blanket cuddling a teddy bear. I sat, and she laid there quietly as we watched the Backyardigans. It’s a children’s show about using your imagination to play.

One hour of doing not much of anything yet doing something of great magnitude.

  • Giving and receiving love.
  • Fostering safety and security.

Time is something we never get back. How we spend it matters.

When people know they matter to you, you’ve loved them well. Share on X


Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.Goethe



Life is busy. There are jobs to go to, work to do, goals to accomplish, things to learn and the list goes on.

What I did for that hour wasn’t on a to-do list or goal sheet. But what I did for that hour mattered more.

They say that on a person’s death bed people don’t wish they’d spent more time at work or made more money. No. The value is in our relationships. We need to remember that and hit the pause button on work and accomplishing to pay attention to what matters most.

Relationships aren’t “accomplished” but they do take intention.

I got that precious hour because I paused my work to make those precious two a priority. I was richly rewarded. Every week I set aside time to spend with my grandkids. I have five now. I want them to know how much they matter. I didn’t feel that growing up.

Learning I mattered changed my life. I want everyone to know they matter.

Time is something we never get back. How we spend it matters. Share on X



We need to remind each other of the things that matter most. People need to know they matter.

Yes, we need to tend to our responsibilities. And yes, it’s good to grow and achieve. But we mustn’t forget or neglect the things that matter more—the ones we say we love.

Because the saying is true. People won’t remember everything you say or do but they’ll remember how you made them feel.

And as long as we’re breathing we can tend to that. Even correct it where needed. My mom and I did that*. Because no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all need to grow.

When people know they matter to you, you’ve loved them well.

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. – Goethe Share on X




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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Sarah. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
      Thank you for sharing it also.

  1. daniebothawriter

    And we get SO busy.
    And the people that matter most are often left with the leftovers …
    We can change that.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re so right, Danie!
      It’s too easy to get bogged down by what’s in front of us. Tasks, schedules, urgent matters etc.
      Yes! We can change that.
      Constantly graciously reminding each other is one way we can help each other.
      Thank you for sharing, Danie – YOU matter!
      BTW – I’m excited for you on your upcoming book launch!

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