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The Power of Seeing Value


We all want to be seen, known, and loved. It validates and empowers us. We need it. But, to be seen means there’s someone doing the seeing.

Someone using their heart to see value.

Then they do something about what they see. The seeing one, unveils the value they see, to the one being seen.

This impacts the heart of both involved and it’s powerful.

We need people who see the value in others because we need to see the value in ourselves.

How you see your value not only means a lot – it’s the key to change in your life.

There’s power in seeing value.

There’s power in seeing value. Share on X



I saw this example in the movie Same Kind of Different as Me. It’s based on a true story about a woman named Deborah.

Deborah impacted many people by seeing their value while volunteering at a local mission where they fed the homeless.

the power of seeing value
image courtesy pixabay

One person was a lady.

Deborah saw the hopelessness in her eyes but the value in who she was, and did something to show her.

She took this lady to a hair salon for a makeover.

Nothing big and fancy. Nothing expensive.

Just a simple wash and style plus makeup.

They chat during the makeover and the woman begins to spill out her pain, regret, and feelings of self-revulsion.

She mourns her bad choices and feels hopeless. Deborah listens and responds with kindness telling her how beautiful and valuable she is. How God loves her and forgives her.

This lady gets a glimpse of her value through what Deborah reveals to her. She sees her value. Her feelings of worthlessness give way to hope. Hope is a powerful key to change.

Deborah didn’t buy her a house or get her a job. Just a little makeover that would only be temporary. Being homeless this makeover will fade, and she’ll get dirty all over again. Some would not see the value in it. But Deborah did.

Deborah saw this woman’s value, took the time to know her and loved her right where she was. This woman felt seen, known, and loved.

It wasn’t about the makeover. It was about seeing and revealing value.

It wasn’t about the makeover. It was about seeing and revealing value. Share on X



This example is from Grace Centers of Hope in Pontiac Michigan. This organization understands the power of seeing value in people, and helping them take ownership of their lives. They do many things to impart that value.

One thing is their annual event called Women Helping Women. It’s a Luncheon and Fashion Show to raise funds.

But it’s more than that. The event isn’t of models or celebrities. It’s the women in the program at GCH that get makeovers, and wear beautiful dresses in the fashion show. This event changes how they see themselves. This empowers them.

One young lady named Ginger told her story in their newsletter.

Ginger had a traumatic childhood. She believed she was worthless and saw herself as ugly. The pain drove Ginger to hurt herself in many ways.

The Power of Seeing Value
image courtesy Pixabay

Then she found herself in jail.

She said, While I was there, sitting on a cold cell floor, something amazing happened.

She tells how she turned to Jesus for help and hope arose for the first time.

Another inmate told her about GCH and after her release, she went there.

True to form GCH revealed her value to her in many ways but one example stands out. Ginger was asked to participate in the annual fashion show. She received a makeover by the team at Luigi Bruni Salon.

Ginger tells how she was nervous for the makeover because the lies she believed about herself ran deep. She was afraid and wondered would this just be another disappointing moment in my life where I would be reminded how “worthless” I really was?

It was not.

Erika was the makeup artist for Ginger and like Deborah’s story above, they chatted during the makeover. Ginger shared parts of her story and her pain.

Erika revealed Ginger’s value to her by how she listened, respected and encouraged her.

Ginger felt seen, known and loved right there, as is. And when she looked in the mirror, she saw herself as beautiful. For the first time in her life, she felt beautiful.

It wasn’t about the makeover. It was about seeing and revealing value.

God calls you priceless and has honor for you. Share on X



Ginger’s story doesn’t end there. She successfully graduated out of the program at GCH and has gotten married. Erika witnessed Ginger’s inner transformation when she did her hair and makeup for the wedding.

The Power of Seeing Value
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Being seen, known and loved empowers.

Ginger learned her true value is priceless.

It empowered her.

So are you – be empowered!

Things that are priceless are rare – there’s only one of you.

Things that are priceless are held in honor.

God calls you priceless and has honor for you.

Things that are priceless are rare – there’s only one of you. Share on X



  • Share an example in the comments of either seeing or being seen.
  • Dare to believe your value – get this and frame it.
  • For another example of seeing value get this book.

Do you struggle to see your value? Watch this music video.



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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Yes! It’s so true that a makeover — although to many people might seem superficial — can be a transformative experience because it helps us to see ourselves in a new light. As a teacher, I am always reaching out to my students — especially the ones who lack confidence — and helping them to realize how valuable they are.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Kate.
      It truly is amazing how transformative it is when someone unveils our value, and we, as you beautifully said, see ourselves in a new light.
      Thank you also for what you do with your students. That is so needed. I’m certain you’re changing lives every day.
      Thank you for sharing!

  2. It’s funny, I definitely have always seen makeovers as superficial. This was an interesting story for me. Maybe for some people a good makeover can be really important…and I was sad, of course, thinking of people who don’t see their own value. It’s so true–that’s very important.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Trisha. I’m glad I was able to provide you with a different perspective.

      It is amazing how something as simple as a makeover can impact and alter a person’s life. It’s all about what’s going on in a person’s heart – what they think and believe. I love this quote: “Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

      Thank you for sharing!

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