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Seriously, Get this Book



Here on my website, I don’t post book reviews often but sometimes a book comes along that needs serious attention. I just finished reading the book Serious Writers Never Quit: They Find The Way by Brian Hutchinson.

If you’ve ever considered writing in any capacity—seriously, get this book.

If you’ve ever considered writing in any capacity—seriously, get this book. Share on X


Bryan approaches the attitude and practice of writing from a fresh perspective. I found myself creating memes as I was reading it because I felt so validated.

I’ve read other writing books and sometimes find them dry and/or discouraging. There are two books (I won’t name them) that a lot of writers claim to be their favorite books that I couldn’t even finish. I felt bad not finishing them because so many people say how amazing they arebut I found them boring and negative.

You won’t be bored or find any negativity in Serious Writers Never Quit.

Seriously, Get this Book

Bryan’s style is easy to read and engaging. The perspective he shares regarding the writer’s first draft contradicts every other book I’ve read—it’s wonderful.

You won’t be bored or find any negativity in Serious Writers Never Quit. Share on X

Bryan deals with fear, doubt, and being human in a way that’s empowering.

Seriously, Get this Book

Throughout the book, you’ll be gracefully challenged to:

  • do what you dream
  • do what you were called to do
  • and to do what is true to YOU!

Here is my review on Amazon.

Seriously, Get this Book


Before Bryan brings the book to a close, he provides you the reader with a list of 21 simple things to guide you on your writer’s journey. This is what he calls The Way.

As I said at the beginning, if you’ve considered writing in any capacity—Seriously, get this book.





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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bryan Hutchinson

    Thank you, Danielle! I’m honored that you enjoyed the book so much. I love the memes that you are creating. We need more serious writers like you!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome, Bryan. Thank you for writing your book. I’ve made it part of my speech for the Writer’s Conference I’m speaking at next weekend. Your refuting of the 1st draft being crap validates how I’ve always felt when I heard people label it that. It’s not crap.

      Glad you liked my memes and thank you for your kind words about me.

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