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Own The Life Season You’re In



With where I’m at in my life, and what has happened in the last two years, I struggled with the changing seasons. Perhaps it’s silly, but I didn’t want summer to end. Especially because autumn is my favorite season.

However, my failure to own the changing of the season effected how my autumn began, and has hindered my ability to enjoy it.

There’s a life lesson here.

We all go through seasons in life that change just like the weather seasons. There are times we want to cling to a past season, or loathe one we’re in. But this doesn’t serve us well. I know from experience.

Where are you at in your life right now? Are you happy, or sad? Are things good, or bad? “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose” sounds poetic. But that doesn’t mean every season always feels wonderful. Still, taking ownership of the season is how to be happier and more content.

The only way to weather a season well is to take ownership of it.


Don’t settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something. - Ashton Kutcher. Share on X



It’s not a bad thing to like some seasons better than others. Some like summer better than spring. Like I said, my favorite is fall.

But the truth is, what you like and don’t like doesn’t change the season. It only changes what you see, and how you experience.

Every season has its upside and downside. Both in the weather and in our lives.

For example, in the weather.

  • Upside: Spring has beautiful flowers and is full of new life that breeds positive expectation.
  • Downside: Spring has thunderstorms, floods, tornados and many people suffer horrible allergies.
  • Upside: Summer is full of sunshine and vacations and picnics and playtime.
  • Downside: Summer has storms. And then there’s dealing with bugs in the garden and all the road construction that brings so much frustration.

Likewise, in our lives.

  • Upside: Being single is a carefree season where you’re not responsible for anyone else. You can come and go as you please.
  • Downside: Many singles suffer terrible loneliness or get involved in self-destructive behaviors.

Own The Life Season You're In

  • Upside: Being a parent is a very rewarding season with the opportunity to teach a new generation the wisdom you’ve come to know. You can pass on family traditions and build many memories.
  • Downside: Being a parent is also very demanding and exhausting. Children have wills of their own and can get into trouble you’re unprepared for. Some people become parents and weren’t prepared for the role at all.

Own The Life Season You're In

  • Upside: Retirement is a season with opportunities for rest, relaxation and travel.
  • Downside: Many suffer from illnesses or don’t have enough money to pay bills. Others fail to see their value after leaving the workforce and die prematurely.

In every season there is good and bad.

Whatever season you’re in—that is where you are.

I know it sounds obvious, but many people moan and groan about where they are and it won’t change anything.

Failing to take ownership of where you are will make you miserable.

Even in the best happiest season of life, there are troubles. Likewise, in difficult seasons there are positives to find.

No season is perfect, and you have the choice to own where you are.


Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. - Henry David Thoreau Share on X



There are countless types of seasons in addition to the three I mentioned that we can go through. No matter what season you’re in, focus on the good. For example, these 3 things that are always true.

  • God loves you.
  • You matter
  • God is good.

I know it’s easier to feel loved when a season is an easy one. And you might feel abandoned when things are hard. But God’s love doesn’t leave you, ever. His love is forever. Focus on that.

  • You can rely on Him. Even if your hard season is your fault His love is bigger. Say it aloud, God loves me!

I understand that it’s easier to feel like you matter when a season is fruitful. But in a barren desert-like season you might feel useless. But your value is inherent because God deems you priceless. Focus on that.

  • Even when it looks like you have nothing to offer, you do. Ask God to show you. Say aloud, I matter!

I know it’s easier to praise God when you feel happy and your season has plenty of good things happening. And I understand that when bad things happen you might want to blame God. But God is good even when your circumstance is bad. Focus on that.

  • In fact, daring to believe that God is good when the bad is raging around you empowers him to bring the change you desire. It’s called hope infused faith. Say aloud, I believe God is good!

With that hope infused faith focus on the good is from God and the bad is not. Own the good and give God the bad. He can make something good out of it if you’ll give it to Him. You have His word on that.

Focusing on what is good will empower you to own your season well.


Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. – Philippians 4:8 Share on X



Just like summer gives way to fall and fall gives way to winter, your season will give way to another.

  • If you’re in an easy season – Own the good. Cherish it. Enjoy it fully. Praise God for the good. Share the good with others.
  • If you’re in a difficult season – Own what matters most – your faith and your loved ones. Receive the help God offers. He can empower you to endure. He can give you joy for your sorrow.

For example:

When I was going through the season of caregiving and oversight for my mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s I had an epic meltdown. I asked God for help. I gave Him my season with the Bible verse that says My times are in your hands… He provided all I needed, and I embraced it. One beautiful thing He brought out of that is the story A Bird Named Payn.

The world has come through a global pandemic. Many suffered much. I had lots of questions for God about this past season, but I have also leaned into those 3 focus points and it has empowered me. He carried me through that season and I feel the change coming. I’m leaning in again to own this season change.

How you own this season will determine your next one.


There are years that ask questions and years that answer. - Maggie Smith Share on X



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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

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