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How to Stop Your Dreams from Getting Destroyed



Dreams. The word itself sounds heavenly. Until we have one that gets destroyed. Sometimes it’s our fault. Sometimes it isn’t. However it gets destroyed, it can keep us from dreaming again.

But a life without dreams is like a person without breath. We walk around dead while we are alive.

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.”
― Norman Cousins

This tragedy can be avoided if you’ll dare to dream, and stop your dreams from getting destroyed.

What does it take to accomplish a dream as well as destroy one?

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.” ― Norman Cousins Share on X



Do you eat liver? How about tofu? Do you drink green smoothies? People do because these things because they’re good for their bodies. Some people enjoy them while other’s force feed themselves.

Both do it for the same reason—to accomplish a dream.

What about mental and emotionally?

  • Do you read books that challenge you?
  • Do you listen to podcasts?
  • Do you have deliberate magnetic focus?
  • Do you know how to tap into the state of flow?
  • Do you even know what those last two things are?

All these things have one thing in common. They can be difficult.

Do you understand that accomplishing a dream can be difficult?

Difficulty isn’t necessarily bad. It’s just difficult. And sometimes it’s actually good.


“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”― Albert Einstein



Have you had a dream stolen? Have you let go of a dream because it was difficult? Do you have a dream you’ve been afraid of pursuing?

No matter what has happened to your dreams, you have an opportunity.


What are you going to do now?

Do you want to walk around dead inside or do you want live a life where you’re fully alive?

To become fully alive inside you have to dare to dream, and overcome the difficulty that will follow. I call this having a victorious soul.

You can choose to become a victorious soul.

Life will be difficult at times whether you choose to dream or not. Why not choose to dream and make the difficulty useful?

The Bible promises us that God will take our difficulties and make something useful of them when we are teamed up with him. Paul wrote it like this:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. —Romans 8:28

Making the choice to become a victorious soul is just the beginning.


How to Stop Your Dreams for Getting Destroyed



As I said life will have difficulty no matter what. But when we set out to do something of value two difficulties always present themselves.

One is from a book by Steven Pressfield and the other from a book by Kary Oberbrunner.

  • Steven Pressfield unveils to us something called resistance.
  • Kary Oberbrunner unveils to us something called being hacked.

Both of these can be insidious and will destroy any dream if not stopped. In fact they work in concert together.

How do you stop them from destroying your dream? Understanding what they are and waging war against them.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”― Albert Einstein Share on X



The book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield isn’t my “flavor” of reading material but I “ate it” anyway because I needed the message to accomplish my dreams. (It was like eating liver mentally)

If you have a dream, you need the message about resistance too.

Resistance fights everyone. It makes following our dreams difficult, but it doesn’t have to win.

Sometimes we’re aware of it and sometimes it silently steals from us because we fail to recognize what is going on.

So what does resistance look like? 

  • Resistance is why your new treadmill becomes a clothes hanger.
  • Resistance is why you procrastinate.
  • Resistance is why you go on Facebook instead of…
  • Resistance is why you hit the snooze twelve times in the morning.
  • Resistance is why what’s difficult feels impossible.

Resistance is the thing inside you trying to stop you from succeeding.

  • It both lies and tells the truth. Whatever will work to stop you from doing what’s in your heart.
  • It will say you can’t, it’s too late, you’re not good enough, or smart enough.
  • It will point out every obstacle and dream up excuses.
  • It will remind you of every failure and highlight other people’s successes.
  • It is insidious.
  • It lives in us all.
  • It wants to destroy our life, our joy and our purpose.
  • If we will recognize it as a thing and give it a name we can push through and achieve our dreams.

It is resistance. And you can beat it.



The book Unhackable by Kary Oberbrunner was difficult reading for me at first. There were so many new terms to learn.

But as I continued reading it I discovered the opportunity within the difficulty. These new terms were actually the doorway to new thinking and overcoming being hacked. I found it so helpful I even hosted a book club with this book.

But… you’re probably asking…What is being hacked???

You may be familiar with how computers or bank accounts can be hacked. So can humans.

Our brains are supercomputers that get hacked by distractions, and resistance!

When this happens we get off track and our dreams get destroyed.

In Kary’s book he talks about the “hack attack”. When life “hacks” you, it destroys your sense of:

  • Control
  • Clarity
  • Competence
  • Confidence
  • Insight
  • Influence
  • Impact
  • Income

This leads to you feeling less that who you are, with less than what you have.

The hack attack implants a lie that if you don’t counter it, your dream will be destroyed.

Thankfully there is a counter attack. It’s based on declaring the truth of who you are, and what you have.

  • You ARE someone of value.
  • You HAVE something to offer of value.

If you dare to dream the hack attack will come but you can beat it.

Yes you!

You matter and your dreams matter.

Both resistance and the hack attack can be overcome by a victorious soul.

Both resistance and the hack attack can be overcome by a victorious soul. Share on X



I understand that all of that can sound scary and intimidating but your dreams are worth fighting for. Anything of value is worth fighting for.

It’s up to you to determine the value of your dreams.

The bigger the dream, the bigger the resistance and the greater the hack attack.

BUT you don’t have to go after your dreams alone.

There are people and tools available to help you.



  • Identify your dreams and what they’re worth to you.
  • Partner with God in your pursuit. The Spirit of Grace is known as the Helper.
  • Feed your mind on good food like this.
  • Find out just how “hacked” you are with this free assessment.


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I like that quote you used by Norman Cousins.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      That’s great. Glad to hear it!

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