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How to Have Fun on Thanksgiving with Your Family

Thanksgiving in America marks the beginning of the holiday season. For some, it’s a time of stress. But what if it you could make it fun?

Everyone’s idea of fun is different, but everyone likes fun.

For me, fun is enjoying the people around me and laughing.

Sitting around talking and laughing is a great way to build or even improve relationships. By being intentional we do more than have fun. We can also interact in more meaningful ways.

Having fun with your family on Thanksgiving can create lasting memories.

These words are true:

They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel.Carl W. Buehner

Making Thanksgiving a day filled with fun will benefit everyone.

Making Thanksgiving a day filled with fun will benefit everyone. Share on X




There are various parades on the television. Sit and watch one if your schedule allows or just have it playing in the background while you’re busy with preparations. Another idea is to have friends and family come over early and watch it together.

One year my grandkids made their own parade while watching the one on television. They used old boxes I had and stuffed animals. They decorated the boxes like floats using crayons, stickers, tape, and markers. They had a blast.



For many watching football is fun. I confess I’ve lost faith in the team where I live so I’m not much of a fan.

Still, we’ll have the game on for those who do think it’s fun.



Why should just the little ones take naps? After dinner naps can be fun.

Some can watch the football game through their eyelids.



Put up the Christmas tree together.

Talk about the ornaments. Are there special ones? Ones from loved ones no longer with you? Do any remind you of a funny story?



Go through old photos. Real photos in albums if you have them. Or even in a box.

It’s more fun than using a digital device. But if that’s all you have then go for it.

The older the photos the more fun you can have. Laugh at old hairstyles and clothing. Tell stories. Laugh.



Start a Thanksgiving journal. Use a notebook of any kind and let everyone write at least one thing they’re thankful for in it. Read it the next year and then add to it. Repeat every year and watch the thankfulness pile up. It can become a part of family history.

We started one of these last year. I’m looking forward to going through what we did last year and adding to it again this year.



Play board or card games. When was the last time you did this?

There are games for every age. Play a few. Laugh until your belly hurts.

I’m reminded of a time I played the game of Life with two of my grandkids. We had so much fun and laughter I wrote about it here.



Play Charades or Hide and Seek.

If you can go outside, play a fun children’s game. For example, Tag, Frozen Tag, Red Light / Green Light or Statue Statue. Simple yet very entertaining.

Plus it gives you an opportunity to burn off the holiday calories and get some fresh air.



Play Make Me Laugh.

One person or group has to try to not laugh while another group or person tries to make them laugh. Tell jokes. Act silly.

Combine with charades if you like.



Intentionally share memories.

Questions are great for getting things started. Here are a couple of ideas but make up your own too.

  • What was your favorite day this year?
  • What is something you accomplished this year?
  • What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
  • Dare to share an embarrassing story?



Fun with the word Thanksgiving.

Use the word to see how many words you can make out of it. Compare answers.



Draw pictures of what you’re thankful for.

The less able you are to draw the more fun and laughter this will cause.

You can add this to the Thanksgiving journal too.



Share the love. Put everyone’s name in a bowl. Each person draws a name from the bowl.

One by one share something you appreciate about the person whose name you drew.



Play the Getting To Know You game.

It’s a series of questions to get to know each other better. PDF here of the questions. There aren’t many rules:  here.


Having fun with your family on Thanksgiving can create lasting memories. Share on X



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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Michael

    great post! Good ideas for family fun. I especially liked this quote – They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel. — Carl W. Buehner

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Michael. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
      Thanks for sharing.

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