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How To Embrace The Power Of Change



One thing about change is that life is full of it. It can be exciting, terrifying, or both. It can be planned or unplanned. It can be good and it can be bad. But one thing is always true – change moves us to a new place.

Change is a powerful mode of travel that takes us somewhere. It takes us to a new place either physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or a combination of any of those.

That can be good, or it can be bad.

The way to find yourself in a good place lies in embracing the power inherently found within change.


“Trauma creates change you DON’T choose. Healing is about creating change you DO choose.” —Michelle Rosenthal.



Change can be scary. We like the comfort of status quo unless the current situation is painful in some way. But even when we’re suffering, we can find it difficult to intentionally implement change.

The pain is familiar and change involves scary unknowns.

But you can overcome the fear that wants to hold you prisoner to your pain.

To do this you need to focus on what’s in front of you, instead of what you leave behind. This means you need to reset your internal GPS to a new location.

Where do you want to travel to?

I’m not talking about vacation kind of travel (although that can be life changing as well).

I’m talking about with your life.

  • Are you frustrated with something about yourself or your circumstances?
  • Are you needing a better job?
  • A better relationship with someone?
  • To own your own business?
  • Write a book?
  • Get healthy?
  • Get out of debt?
  • Stop beating yourself up?
  • Live with more purpose?
  • And the list goes on…

Sometimes where we want to go is simple. One intentional choice and things are different. Easy peasy.

But sometimes the change we want is a long way from where we are.


“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” —Tony Robbins



When a lot of change is needed, one choice seems so insignificant. This can cause a lot of discouragement which then builds a wall in front of us.

The wall of discouragement says it’s too hard or not possible.

However, the wall lies. That seemingly unscalable wall is not all powerful.

The power of your God-given willful choice, coupled with the power of God inside you can scale the wall that stands between you and where you need to go.

By embracing the power of change you can discover the changes you need to get where you say we want to go. Sometimes repetitive changes are needed. That was the case with me.

Even though I didn’t know how to get to where I wanted to go I knew that change was the way to get there.

How to embrace the power of change

So where do YOU want to go? How do you get there?

Change is the mode of travel you need to embrace.



The first thing that needs to change is our mindset. We have to change how we think.

Sounds simple but I found it to be quite difficult.

Yet like that wall of discouragement is scalable, conquering the land between your ears is possible. To change how you think you must change what you think. That requires intention.

After you embrace the change in how you think, next comes the need for action.

What you need to do will be determined by where you have chosen to go. But fear not – this is a journey not a performance. You didn’t get where you are overnight, and you won’t get where you want to go overnight either.

Give yourself grace for process.

When I began my journey of embracing the power of change I lived in the land of excessive personal privacy, with fear as the door, and shame as the curtains. I had kept others from really knowing me and the pain was unbearable.

My journey of scaling the wall involved writing and publishing my book. Through that process I tore the curtains down, and kicked the door in, at my emotional home.

Through embracing the power of change I emerged a different person.


“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Jim Rohn



As I said at the beginning, change is part of life. Since then I have been embracing more change. Little by little I internalized the things I learned while writing my first book Emerging With Wings.

I spent countless hours reprogramming my unruly mind before gaining the courage to become genuinely vulnerable.

According to the video below I have “jumped”.

I have also acquired the bumps, bruises and wounds along the way and I’m still waiting for my parachute to open.

More than once I have taken that leap of faith in the face of the fears that screamed “you can’t, you’ll fail, you’re too old, people will get mad at you, you’ll go broke, it’s not possible…”

But because I want to “soar” in life I “jumped”



Will you “jump” and embrace the power of change in YOUR life so you can soar?

Love gives you courage to jump so take the love you need:


Read my story here.

Spread the love

Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I never thought of change as a “mode of transportation” before. Such an interesting perspective.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thanks. I’m happy to hear it and hope you find it empowering as well.

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