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How to De-stress Your Holiday Season


We all know the holiday season can be stressful. But did you know it doesn’t have to be? Even with all the extra things clamoring to be added to your to-do lists, there is a way to de-stress your holiday season.

Organization makes life easier and less stressful.

Because of the heightened opportunity for stress, tapping into it during the holidays is even more important. A little organization can go a long way to reduce stress.

Stressing out around the holidays is one reason many people get sick. Being intentional with your life and schedule is a form of self-care that will help you enjoy your holidays better.

Here are 8 steps to de-stress your holiday season.

Here are 8 steps to de-stress your holiday season. Share on X



What is it you want to do this holiday season?

What are the things you feel you need to do?

Is there a difference?

Grab a piece of paper and do a brain dump. Write down everything you can think of that you want to do, or feel you need to do this season, including things you might feel obligated to do. Include every holiday that’s in front of this day, right now as you’re reading this.

Don’t fret about it feeling trivial, or worry about forgetting something. We’ll address that below.

Answering these questions is just the beginning.



Now look at your list and notice how long it is. Is there any way all these things are possible? Chances are the list is way too long, and to save your sanity and your health, you need to make it shorter.

Draw a line through things you can live without.

Put a mark next to things you feel obligated to do. Consider if the obligation is felt (because you always…), or if it’s actually required.

Circle things you think you need to do but there’s a chance you really don’t.

Being realistic is a key factor to de-stress your holiday.

Being realistic is a key factor to de-stress your holiday. Share on X



Go through your marked-up list and separate it into what you want, what you need, and what you feel obligated to do. Now you have three lists.

Look at your lists and identify which things are an absolute must and highlight them.

Using a highlighter will make those important things stand out more. This will help you with the next step.

Don’t forget to be realistic in separating your list.



Number the things on your list to prioritize.

Prioritize their importance. Number ones for things that are an absolute must.

Prioritize things that are processes in their order. For example, shopping for gifts and wrapping gifts. Because you can’t wrap a present you haven’t purchased, shopping would have a higher priority than wrapping.

Don’t stress over the numbers, you can change them if you need to.

What you make a priority is your choice

What you make a priority is your choice. Share on X



Everything happens somewhere. There will be things on your list that need to be done at home and things that are not.

For example, baking is done at home and shopping is not (unless it’s done online).

By creating those two categories you will see how some tasks or activities can be grouped together to save time. This leads to the next step.

Where does everything take place?



You don’t have to do everything — so don’t. The only reason people do things all themselves is perfectionism. Do yourself a favor and get help.

Ask family members or friends. Many people have cookie baking or gift wrapping parties where they all help one another.

Hiring someone is an option to consider also.

Time is precious and wanting to do something doesn’t automatically provide us the time it takes to do it.

If more than you is participating, then more than you ought to be preparing.

If more than you is participating, then more than you ought to be preparing. Share on X



When are all these things going to get done?

The best option is using a calendar. Click here for a November 2019 calendar, and here for a December 2019 calendar to use. Put each item from your list on the calendar starting with the items marked with the highest priority.

Print out three copies of the calendar if you need many time slots. Use one each for mornings, afternoons and evenings.

Some things on your list have a clear date and time, like your work Christmas party, or the kid’s Christmas program. These are easy to put on the calendar.

Other things will need to be done by a certain time. These things need a deadline and may be broken into pieces. For example, you could schedule multiple slots for wrapping presents between other things on your schedule.*

Use the calendar for those things you’d forgotten at the beginning.

When you remember things or new things enter the picture, schedule them in an empty time slot.



Yes, it is the season of giving but remember you are a person and a person can only do so much. When new things want to enter your schedule and there isn’t a spot, be kind to yourself and say no to something. Either that new thing or remove something else.

Make it a point to schedule time to breathe. Taking ten minutes here and there to catch your breath can do wonders for your sanity and health. Or practice 1–3 minutes of quiet meditation each day.

If you take care of you, you can take care of more and you’ll enjoy your holiday also.

Love yourself as much as you love others.

Love yourself as much as you love others. Share on X



  • Which step in this list do you find most helpful?
  • Remember — You’re human — this is for you.

*I remember many Christmases being up late on Chrismas Eve wrapping presents. When I started scheduling 10-15 minute time slots to wrap presents I got them all wrapped in plenty of time without stress. 

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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

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