~ A guest post by Rhonda Marie Stalb LMFT with practical techniques and help for calming fear after loss and trauma. ~
Do you feel restless, worried, fearful, and anxious? Have you experienced loss or trauma? Are your thoughts overwhelming? Do you long for peace in your mind?
Instead of avoiding your fearful thoughts and the challenges surrounding your loss and trauma, focus on practical solutions. You are not alone in this and there are solutions.
You have the power within yourself to calm your fearful thoughts after loss and trauma.
You have the power within yourself to calm your fearful thoughts after loss and trauma. Share on X
Instead of dwelling on the negativity from your mind and other people, count your blessings, you can always find something positive in your life. Find a positive affirmation each day and focus on that.
In difficult moments, ask yourself “what is one positive thing I experienced today?” You will almost always find a list of positive things and experience an immediate sense of relief.
If your thoughts cause you to feel anxious and tense, set aside time for deep breathing and relaxation. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly.
It only takes a few minutes to replace feelings of anxiety with feelings of peace and relaxation. Put some relaxing music on to help you focus your mind and breathing.
Sometimes all it takes is something lighthearted or creative to get your mind into a better place. Instead of wallowing in a bad mood, choose something that you like to do and give yourself a break.
Temporarily leave your cares behind and immerse yourself in an activity you enjoy. Creating something can help you focus your mind and relieve anxiety. Adult coloring books and crafting can sooth anxiety and troubling thoughts about your loss and Trauma.
There are times when we say things to ourselves that are not helpful or nice. We can be hard on ourselves at times. If you wouldn’t say what you are saying to a friend, or a child, then don’t say it to yourself.
You don’t have to be a victim to your thoughts. You have the power to change those thoughts into something helpful and compassionate through a handy little tool called THINK to think about what you’re thinking about. Run your thoughts through the THINK acronym to help you change how you are talking to yourself.
T-Is it True
H-Is it Helpful
I-Is it Inspiring
N-Is it Necessary
K-Is it Kind
If you answer no to any or all these questions, then throw those thoughts and unkind words out of your mind. A lot of thoughts are unnecessary, and they don’t help the situation. Plus, if it doesn’t line up with the truth, it doesn’t need to be in your head. You don’t have to beat yourself up because of what happened to you. It’s not your fault.
Here are two scriptures that really help me when fearful thoughts try to invade my mind.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. —Philippians 4:8
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. — Psalm 46:1
Remember, if your mind is troubled, ask yourself what you are thinking and why you are feeling the way you feel. Challenge your thoughts that are negative and unhelpful.
You can also talk to professionals and supportive lay ministers to help you through this time.
In fact, due to the fears and anxiety that people are experiencing, my colleague, Danielle Bernock and I are conducting a workshop for you.
It’s a 90-Minute Online workshop on FRIDAY APRIL 30TH at 12:30 EST called 4 Steps To Calm Your Fearful S.E.L.F.
The workshop is for anyone experiencing fear and traumatic thoughts and feelings because of loss and trauma.
This workshop will help you feel like you’re not alone and provide you with the support you need to process what is happening.
The workshop is intentionally limited to a small group of people so you’ll feel safe.
So secure your spot quickly.
Get the Details and Sign up Today here!