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Give 2021 A One-Two Punch


It’s safe to say that 2020 didn’t go as you or I planned. Emotionally speaking, it’s been the longest shortest year ever. We could give it the title: bizarre.

It wasn’t just the global pandemic that made the year strange. Murder hornets and fire tornados were two more weird things that took place.

The world has been pummeled with trauma and negativity like a one-two punch. Will it stop in 2021?

Earlier in the year I’d often hear people say they couldn’t wait for 2021 as if the troubles would vanish when the clock strikes midnight. But as the one-two punch of 2020 drags on I don’t hear that so much anymore.

That doesn’t mean we need to lose hope.

We can choose to fight back with a one-two punch of our own as we enter 2021.



The most common understanding of the one-two punch is from boxing. It is two quick hits in rapid succession to the opponent. I’m not a boxer so let’s look at another way this strategy works.

The Free dictionary puts it this way:

  1. Two negative events that happen at the same time or in rapid succession
  2. Two actions, events, strategies, people, etc., that work in combination to deliver a very effective or powerful result.

2020’s one-two punch was dishing out negative events in rapid succession and sometimes simultaneously.

Our one-two punch needs to be actions and strategies that work in combination to give us powerful results.



What is a powerful result?  When no matter what the year threw at you:

  • you overcame
  • you learned
  • you walked away better in some way
  • you still saw good…

…and the negative things you gave to God and he made use of them.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

How do I know the powerful results in my life?

At the end of each year, I go through my calendar month by month taking stock of what I did, what happened and write it down. (I highly recommend doing this)

Writing things down brings clarity. It also helps for celebrating the good and processing the negative.

Every year will have difficulties. Some more than others.

But every year can have positive results by implementing intentional actions and strategies.




Jumpstart the year by taking ownership of where you are, and where you want to go. Intentionally think about:

  • What kind of person do you want to become?
  • What do you want to be doing with your life?
  • What dream do you wish to achieve but somehow never do?
  • Go through this past year.
  • See where you got off track.
  • Identify what needs corrected.
  • Commit to focusing on what’s important.

I understand this is easier said than done because we are surrounded by distractions.

Punch one is possible by learning how to become something called *unhackable. I’m doing a 30 day Book Club on this in January.

A one-two punch is something that happens in succession, or over and over. This means that taking ownership of your focus is something you’ll need to do over and over again after punch two.

Setting your focus prepares you for punch two.



I have done this “second punch” for a few years now. It’s similar to the first regarding focus but deals more with the heart.

Punch two deals with cultivating an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis.

I have something I call a Good Things jar.

Each day I write down something good that I did, or that happened in my life, from the day before and put it in the jar.

I do this in the morning because it’s a great way to start the day. To make it more fun I use colored paper.

The first year I did this was a difficult year and doing this exercise was how I emerged with a good focus at the end of the year – a powerful result.

So every single day, all 365 days a year, I write at least one good thing down on that colored piece of paper, fold it up and put it in my jar. This fills my heart with an attitude of gratitude.

On New Year’s Day, I dump all the papers on the ground and look at the pile of evidence of all the good in my life. Then I open each one up and savor that abundance of good.

Having an attitude of gratitude helps you focus – which leads you back to punch one to repeat the cycle.



Even in the midst of a bizarre, weird, strange year like this one – we can fight back. I know I did. And I’m not the only one.

This year has been hard. I don’t belittle the tragedies that have taken place, the lives lost. Overcoming all that will take focusing on healing and counting the blessings we still have.

For example, I asked some people what was the best thing that happened in their life even during this pandemic year. Their focus revealed:

  • An estranged mom celebrated reconnecting with her son.
  • A grandma celebrated being strong enough to be raising her grandbabies.
  • A young mom celebrated her newborn baby.
  • A lady celebrated another day of life.
  • A couple celebrated a new home.
  • A gentleman celebrated experiencing God’s mercy personally.
  • An employee celebrated being able to continue working.

A hard year makes the good things we focus on more precious.



  • Will you employ the one-two punch in 2021?
  • Would you like to join the Book Club? Or invite someone to join you? Here is more information.
  • Share what the best thing about your year was in the comment.

*Unhackable is book by Kary Oberbrunner


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I’d like to give 2020 a 1-2 punch!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I understand and I’m sure you’re not alone. Some want to give the boot too 😉

  2. Anonymous

    THANK YOU for this!!!! I needed someting to help me this year.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome. Happy to help.

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