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Embracing Your Value & Loving Your Self


Many people have trouble embracing their value and loving their “self”. We see the epidemic of low self-esteem in the world.

It’s a problem.

When you don’t embrace (take ownership of) your value it steals the life God wants you to enjoy.

I struggled for a long time not embracing my value. Loving my “self” was something I thought was wrong for a variety of reasons.

Now I see the value of embracing my value and loving my “self” because I learned how much God values and loves me.

There are obstacles to embracing your value and loving your “self”.


Failing to own your value keeps you from achieving your potential and enjoying your life. —Danielle Bernock (Because You Matter)



Perception – You have a perception of who you are that is skewed by things that have happened to you, or what people have said to you. Because of this you see your “self” as bad, damaged or less than.

Beliefs – You believe the lie that paying attention to your “self” is wrong or sinful.

Blindness – You don’t see the inherent God-given value in your “self “and evaluate your worth in comparison to others.

Lies – You’ve been sold a bill of goods about what “self” is and its role in life — especially by the church.

I struggled with all of these for years.

There’s a verse in the Bible that tripped me up. It talks about dying to self. When I heard it taught I believed it invalidated my existence. I felt like God wanted to annihilate who I was. I was wrong.

You can overcome your obstacles.

Failing to own your value keeps you from achieving your potential and enjoying your life. —Danielle Bernock (Because You Matter) Share on X



I overcame my obstacles with this excerpt from my first book.

Identity — I kept picking up this one piece thinking it fit but it didn’t. Growing up I looked into numerous broken mirrors to identify who I was. Some passive, some aggressive but none free. The Pursuer apprehended me for freedom. I didn’t understand so in my previous mode of operation I looked to the authorities I perceived had the power for them to tell me who I was. I heard I had to die to self and be dead in Christ but then I was gonna live but then not I but it was Christ who would live. What the heck does that mean? I did not understand where “I” went if indeed “I” was allowed to exist. But if I was not allowed to exist then why did he bother to do anything? Many times I would be told that my identity was Christ. Either they didn’t understand what I was asking or I didn’t understand what they were telling me. It was erasing me and somehow that seemed wrong. I had tried to do that myself and knew it was wrong. A way The Pursuer helped me to understand was using the word “hidden.” Have you ever hidden something to protect it because it was such an important thing? Have you ever seen a person hide a child behind them to protect them from danger of some sort? Those are the pictures he gave me. I am me, created by him with unique traits and quirks that I get to discover and identify. When I ask him about them he teaches me how they work, what they are for. No one else is like me. Likewise, no one else is like you. We are like snowflakes. Unique by design and glistening by his glory. This is my favorite piece, for I am WE — perfect in him and never alone. (Emerging With Wings Chapter 12: Puzzle Pieces)

I learned that I not only have the right to exist — I’m important and I matter!

YOU are important and YOU matter! Your “self” matters!

Yes, it’s true you’re not perfect. But part of embracing your value is embracing who you are, even your imperfections.

You are worthy of love — just how you are.

Love empowers you to overcome.

Loving your life because it’s precious to God honors Him.—Danielle Bernock (Because You Matter) Share on X



YOU are a wonderfully imperfect creation of God and a most vital human.

YOU are a treasure chest of gifts, talents, likes, dislikes, quirks, and possibilities. Even if you don’t think so.

YOU are amazing and the object of God’s affection. He loves you even if you don’t love him because he considers you valuable. He desires to be connected to you so He loves you first.

YOU are more powerful than you know. Embracing your value and loving your “self” is within your power. Decision and choice are gifts God put inside you. This power resides in your “self”.

These are good reasons to embrace your value and love your “self”. Doing so will change your life and honors God.

You can embrace your value and love your “self”.


Loving your life because it’s precious to God honors Him.—Danielle Bernock (Because You Matter)




To change how you see your “self” and feel about your “self” will take a process. It will take a bit of time. How long depends on many things, but the process starts with a choice. It’s choosing to love YOU.

Dare to believe you are worthy of love.

Learning to love and embrace your value, who you are, is a process. This process is called self-care. Self-care is about caring for the wonderful person you are. Nurturing your well-being.

There is a vast difference between being self-centered and honoring who you are. True self-care is honorable.

It’s much deeper than going to get a massage or taking a nap. (Although those are nice and sometimes needed.) True self-care is dealing with the things that make up our “self”. One aspect is dealing with our mind. Another is dealing with our relationships. There are many aspects to true self-care.

Proper self-care leads to soul-care which leads to a happy healthy life.

Proper self-care leads to soul-care which leads to a happy healthy life. Share on X



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Embracing Your Value & Loving Your Self

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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Roz

    Hi Danielle- “Love your self from survive to thrive” is simply beautiful. I appreciated the idea that “ part of embracing your value is embracing who you are, even your imperfections.” I used to be fearful of my imperfections but I’ve grown comfortable in my self. When we relax in our own humanity and are open with our flaws, we create an opportunity for a grace encounter with our God. His love is big enough to handle my imperfections. That makes me very secure indeed.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Roz. Your words bless my heart.

      I understand about being fearful and I’m so happy to hear you’ve “grown comfortable”. That is quite an achievement. I celebrate with you!!

      I’m so thankful for His Everlasting Amazing Relentless Compassionate…Love

      “Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
      Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found…”

      Thanks for sharing.

      1. Roz

        Thanks Danielle- that’s funny that was the song in my ❤️ When I wrote the comment…

  2. Danielle Bernock

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I LOVE that song.

  3. Such an important message! Somewhere down the line, I was told to “stop being so selfish” and for years I fought against this label. I did not want to be seen as selfish. So I overcompensated, giving more and more of my self and never asking for what I wanted, almost as a form of self-punishment. Finally I realized that the giving to the self and the giving to others could be integrated — it did not have to be either/or.

  4. Danielle Bernock

    I’m so happy that you got that understanding and stopped punishing yourself. It’s by taking proper care of our self that we can give our best to others. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Charles Forbess

    I have a question that has been with me all of my life (I’m now 82). Who is my neighbor? Did he mean the person next door, down the block, or on the other side of the country, the world?

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Hello Charles! Thank you for your question. The best answer I’ve ever been given is: the person who needs my help and I’m able to give it.
      This could be the neighbor next door who needs a cup of sugar.
      Or it could be calling someone you know to say hi when you think they might be lonely.
      It could be helping the people in the Ukraine with a financial gift through an organization or ministry you know.
      It could look like many things.
      The main thing is the heart.
      Jesus always dealt with matters of the heart.

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