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Don’t be Emotionally Drained by Self Care – Get Physical


~ A guest post by Nicole Akers sharing her expertise with physical self-care. ~


Self-Care is a fairly new term that has exploded into a calling, a longing, an executive order, and another to do list. UGH! Who needs more to do? Don’t let it drain you.

How did this term get started anyway? It crossed over into mainstream after the 2016 election in the U.S.A. The week after that emotionally draining time Americans Googled it twice as often as they did previously.

Doctors have always used it as a prescription for patients to take good care of themselves under the guidance of a health professional. During the Civil Rights movement, it became a political act of sorts.

“Self-care” has always been around, but it hadn’t taken off as a movement until recently.


The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself – Steve Maraboli


Self-Care shouldn’t drain you

How do you obey the principles of self-care without it killing your soul? Let’s go Biblical.

Don't be emotionally drained by self-care


The Proverb 31 woman has a calling to take care of everyone. She rises early and her light doesn’t go out at night. She wakes while it is night to prepare bread for her family. She opens her hand to the poor.

The poor lady never sleeps! She is on a course to crash and burn.

She is a manifestation of everything good. It is not intended for her good deeds to be a laundry list in your life.

Don’t you want to hate her because you can’t keep up? I relate to her because I am a doer.

I struggle to take care of myself emotionally, but I can take care of myself physically.

Our manifestation of the Proverb 31 woman is mixed up. Let’s put it back in perspective.


Self-Care shouldn’t drain you. Share on X



Physical Self-Care

That’s my specialty, and I’m here with tips to help.


Monitor your food and water intake.

Food can be a glorious adventure and it is easy to overdo a good thing. Apps like MyPlate, MyFitnessPal, LoseIt!, and FatSecret make it easy to monitor food intake.

When your food intake is available as a quick glance from your pocket it is easier to steer away from food that takes you away from your goals. Here’s a little more info about what they can offer.


Drink water.

Drinking water is boring and not much fun at all. The old adage is out. You’ve probably heard drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily is good for your health. That’s a good place to start, and newer information says the old adage falls short.

Men should drink a minimum of 13 cups of water a day, while women should drink a minimum of 9 cups. Generally speaking, children should be drinking around 64 ounces of water.

Suggestions change for people in different stages of health, pregnancy, increased exercise, and illness such as flu. Health enthusiasts aim for a gallon day.

If water is too boring try infusing it with fruit or cucumber.


Get adequate sleep.

So much to do, so little time. If this is the story of your life you’re probably like most people who fall short on getting enough sleep.

On average adults need 7-9 hours each night, young children and teens need 8-10 hours, while infants and toddlers need in excess of 12 hours each day.

Electronics keep people more connected than ever and the blue light keeps brains stimulated making sleep difficult to achieve. Turn off the electronica an hour before bed or use Blublocker glasses to minimize stimulation.


Meditate and be grateful.

Start and end each day in the right mindset. Take 10 minutes to breathe and clear your mind. Set your focus on something deserving of gratitude.

When your mindset is fruitful your day is fruitful. Other reasons to meditate include lower stress, better connections with people, and a reduction of brain chatter.


Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. – Lucille Ball


Get physical.

If exercise isn’t easy for you let’s keep it simple. Here’s a list of the best free exercise apps for 2017. Experts suggest 30 minutes a day of cardio.

Anything that gets your blood pumping will do, and it doesn’t have to happen all at one time. Run the steps at work, during lunch, and at the end of the day. Take a brisk walk first thing in the morning or after dinner.

Find an activity you enjoy, and invite a friend for accountability. Keep it simple and enjoy the benefits.


Give your stress wings, and let it fly away. – Terri Guillemets


What Next:

  • What tip of Nicole’s can you benefit most from?
  • Want other health tips? Check out WeTalkHealthy.
  • If you don’t have it yet, get Love’s Manifesto here and know you deserve to take care of your body.
  • Share this and help someone else care for their well-being.



Nicole AkersNicole is a Health Advocate and mom of 2 who studies food, and general wellness. It’s her mission to help you live a healthier life by learning about the dangers in the food you feed your family. Whether it’s meal prep or creative exercise without setting foot in the gym, you don’t want to miss her tips. Connect with her on her blog, on Twitter, Pinterest, or on Facebook.


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for the post. Physical self-care is kind of difficult for someone with mobility issues.I used to run & workout to relieve stress, but becoming disabled put a stop on that. it sucks, but really what can I do? I am still not cleared to drive and running is out for now coz well, I am unable to run. I do exercise, but sometimes I feel that all the exercise I do is for rehab and not for strength unlike before.

    1. nicoleakers

      Hi, Bernadette! First I think you need to give to give yourself grace for where you are. It is difficult, especially when you have been so active to be less active. It sounds like the transition is causing some anxiety. Additionally, it sounds like doors will open allowing more activity. Perhaps the rehab is both the rest and the training your body needs at this moment. Can resistance bands help work your arms or legs for some strength if the rehab therapists support their use? I do not have medical training and think you should defer to those aiding in your care. Best wishes for recovery and brighter days! Feel free to contact me through for future tips.

    2. Bernadette, I want to add to Nicole’s wonderful advice. I’m the “adventure” guy from last week. I’ve been through a few rehabs. It is frustrating and can be so hard struggling to do what used to be easy. Many quit. If you’re keeping up your rehab, be proud of that. You’re doing awesome!
      Trust your PT and give your body the love, rest and recuperation it needs.

      1. nicoleakers

        Hey, “adventure” guy! So glad you’re back this week too. Thanks for stopping by with your support!

        1. I promise I’m not following you, Nicole! Well, maybe just on Twitter, Pinterist, Facebook and email. 🙂

  2. Great post, Nicole! I especially like the tip about sleep because that’s the one I struggle with – being a doer like you. Drive hard and get it done, right?

    Thanks again for your expertise! And thanks Danielle for posting this!

    1. nicoleakers

      Hi, Frank! Thanks for stopping by. Sleep is important, especially if you don’t want to fall asleep at the wheel. 😉 It is good to take an occasional break and breathe. Have a great day!

  3. Loved your suggestions Nicole, but I must add it’s because I’m doing them. My biggest struggle is the water, but I’m learning to do it even if I don’t like it. For me, I’m also learning if I take time to just read a short devotional, at the very start of the day, it seems to get my priorities right. Otherwise I’m filling God in, and that doesn’t feel right. I don’t like being squished in. With sleep. I haven’t set an alarm for a few years now. I’m lucky. My body wakes up when it is rested and I haven’t missed any appointment. 🙂

    1. Hi, Anne. The biggest habit that’s helped me stay hydrated is drinking water first thing in the morning. I started out a 16 oz and gradually worked my way up to about 30oz currently. Since we get pretty dehydrated after (hopefully) 8 hours of no water, it’s a great way to start the day.

      Congrats on getting your sleep patterns down. I still struggle with that.

    2. nicoleakers

      Hi Anne! You just reminded to stop by the nearest tap and fill up again. I’ve gotta say that I like your tap source even better. When your day starts with the right perspective you know you’re on the right foot. Fantastic that you don’t need an alarm. Your circadian rhythms are on track, even better than mine! 😉

  4. Excellent article. I find it difficult to surrender to sleep. Because I have a full time job, my only time to write is at night. My mind wants to keep going. Sometimes I supplement with naps but still, I realize I need to focus on getting back to my sacred 8 hours.

    1. nicoleakers

      Hello, Sandy, so glad you popped in! Sleep is an area that I struggle with on occasion. I find that if I don’t get enough sleep my body fails. When my body fails all kinds of other things in life fail. I enjoy your spirit and drive!

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