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Are You Rich and Don’t Know It?


People play the lottery hoping to get rich. Crazy filthy rich. But most people don’t win. Those who do often don’t stay rich. In fact, oftentimes the winners go bankrupt ending up worse than before they’d won and don’t know why. It’s because they were never truly rich to begin with.

One definition of rich is having a great deal of money or assets but that’s superficial. Being truly rich, or wealthy, is more than knowing you have money.

I started thinking about this issue of what being rich is after realizing I’d become truly rich where I’d once been poor. It happened after a family gathering. Knowing this brought intense feelings of joy and gratitude.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how truly rich I am in many areas. Maybe you’re rich too. Do you know it?

Relationally rich is the best kind of rich.

Relationally rich is the best kind of rich. Share on X



Other definitions of rich are full, deep, fertile, big, strong and vibrant.

These words aren’t typically used in conjunction with money. Instead, they’re used to describe things like chocolate, coffee, soil, colors, aromas, flavors, and wood.

But they also describe rich relationships.

We need relationships. Having good relationships is important.

Having rich relationships is being truly rich.

There are three kinds of relationships we can be rich or poor in. Family, friends, and God.

My realization was that I’d become rich in the relational area of family.

Relationally rich is being truly rich.

Relationally rich is being truly rich. Share on X




Family – the people you’re related to but sometimes don’t get along with.

Before I got married my family consisted of three people. Everyone else had died.  Those left were my mom, a brother and me. On top of our smallness in size, we didn’t get along very well either. My family of origin was relationally poor.

Over the years I saw many improvements. For example, my mother and I went through a process building a bridge between us. It took a lot of work, but our relationship became rich before she died. My brother and I have also developed a relationship.

My husband and I have always had a strong relationship. Our marriage relationship has gotten richer and richer over the years. We raised two wonderful children together.

I knew I was blessed, but, having come from such a small family I’d feel a twinge of pain when I’d see large families doing things together and having fun. Things like family reunions, dinners, vacations or outings. I longed for a larger, loving close family.

I have that now. I realized it after our last Christmas family gathering. We had fifteen people gathered in one place all day long. It was wonderful!

That might not sound like a big deal to some and I know many others have larger families but that’s huge to me. I felt crazy filthy rich.

We’re not perfect by any means. I know that the more people you have, the more opinions you have which makes more opportunity for disagreements and trouble. But we love each other, respect each other, support each other, and encourage one another.

We’ve been through difficult messy times and fences have been mended and axes have been buried. We have freedom in our communication. We’ve become truly rich.

Are you rich in your family relationships?

Are you rich in your family relationships? Share on X



Friends – the relationships you choose instead of being born into.

I have friends who share my faith and have been there for me in my struggles. They’ve cried with me and prayed with me.

Having friends to play with isn’t just for children. Adults need to laugh and play too. We can forget that when life gets intense. Friends help us remember to enjoy life and we’re not alone.

My friends add so much value to my life and heart. I’m honored to have friends both close by as well as in different states and countries. Friends don’t have to live near you geographically when your hearts are knit together.

When I became a writer, and then an entrepreneur, I found groups to align myself with. This increased my riches in friends.

I have so many colleagues that are very precious to me. We share each other’s work and encourage each other. Some have guest posted here for me. You can search for “guest” on my website and read what they shared if you’d like. I have interviewed some others and shared their stories on my Victorious Souls Podcast.

Life can be difficult for many reasons so having a community who gets you and supports you is important.

Are you rich in your friend relationships?

Are you rich in your friend relationships? Share on X



God – the most important relationship but sometimes the most difficult.

I had a rough beginning to my relationship with God. Trauma and lies got in the way.

He pursued me. I’m so thankful.

He knows me and still loves me.

It was quite a journey and it has a happy ending. Here’s the whole story.

Now I know and believe the love God has for me. Truly believe. I’ve come to know His grace in an operational way instead of as a religious term.

Because my relationship with God is rich, I live free from condemnation and have peace.

I know I’m accepted by Him and He says I’m worthy. So are you!

Oh, the riches indeed. Money can’t touch that kind of rich.

Are you rich in your relationship with God?

Are you rich in your relationship with God? Share on X





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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Aditi Wardhan Singh

    Great post Danielle. I so agree that we are rich in many ways, most of which we are not even aware of . I personally do consider myself blessed.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Aditi.
      Life can get so full of activities and stress we get lost in the weeds and, as you said, make us unaware.
      It’s good for us to pause and take notice of how rich we are.
      I know you make my life richer.
      Thank you for reading and commenting.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Trisha. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. KD Murray

    Danielle, you’re so right, a person can have all the money in the world, but be poor if they lack that inner peace that you only can find with the love and support of true friendship. When I read this I thought, YES…I too am rich. I have a big family, but it’s like you said, when you have large groups of people there comes many differences among other issues that can arise, it’s just life and it’s just what you call ‘family’. Like you said, I also learned family is also what you make it, it’s not necessarily blood…My best friend has been in my life since I was 3…I feel closer to her than my own 2 sisters! Like you, my husband is my rock and my everything. And of course, without God, I’d be void of all…Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful, beautiful, inspirational piece as always. You’re the real deal Danielle.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      KD, that’s so cool that you got that “yes” moment. You’re crazy rich indeed!!
      I’ve observed many families over the years and learned the ones that are rich relationally, are the ones that are happier and lead more successful lives. Likewise with friends and our relationship with God.
      Thank you for enriching my life and sharing your thoughts on my article.

  3. This is so true. Money is something I’ve struggled with a good portion of my life but when I do get some, the happiness is only fleeting. However, the happiness that comes from rich relationships is lasting.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Kate. Knowing what you know makes a person richer. Thank you for sharing.

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