One Mother’s Day I had a dream about my mom. I don’t always remember my dreams and they don’t always mean anything. Usually, they’re just the subconscious processing the events of the day. But sometimes dreams do carry meaning.
I instantly knew this Mother’s Day dream meant something when I awoke. This dream about my mom was a gift I needed to unwrap by writing it down.
I couldn’t do anything else first.
So, I grabbed a pen and the closest piece of paper and wrote and wrote until the mystery was revealed.
Meaningful dreams carry mysteries to unwrap.
Meaningful dreams carry mysteries to unwrap. Share on X
As in many dreams, I was in a place I didn’t know with people I’d never met. I was talking with two children when I suddenly remembered it was Mother’s Day. It occurred to me I’d left my mom at home sleeping. I left without leaving a note or kissing her goodbye.
Why did I do that? It’s not like me to leave like that.
I brushed the self-disappointment aside and got up from where I was sitting. I had to go and call my mom on the phone. I had to make it right. I left the room, walked down a long hallway leading into another room filled with puppies. These puppies were only days old without their eyes opened yet.
These puppies looked familiar.
I scooted around the little squealing pups staying close to the wall until I got to the door in the corner on the left. Gently pushing two pups out of the way I exited the room. But another one I scooped up in my hand .
It was important I didn’t allow it to escape and I needed to protect it.
Outside it was beautiful and sunny. There was a lovely breeze. The vibrancy of the green grass captivated me. Carrying the squiggling puppy, I looked for a place to sit to call my mom. I found a rock in the grass. However, my phone wouldn’t auto dial her.
Why wasn’t it working? Why couldn’t I call?
The phone was strange. It wasn’t my iPhone or any other phone I’d ever seen. At least I still remembered her phone number. I’d had it all my life until I left home to get married. So, I punched the seven numbers in by hand. 7–7–1–5–0–9–6 She immediately picked up and said Hi — but used my old name* — how peculiar.
Somehow, I didn’t mind.
Immediately after she answered, a man I didn’t know came up to me intent on interrupting my phone call. But he left as soon as he knew who I was talking to.
My mom and I chatted just a little more. It was awkward.
The awkwardness felt out of place. What did that mean?
Then as the puppy was trying to get away from me …
— I woke up.
Sorrow, joy and then gratitude filled my heart.
You see my mom had been dead for twenty-four years!
When I was a child my parents raised Labrador Retrievers and the puppies were the only part I enjoyed.
The dream allowed me to taste that sweet enjoyment once again and protected the good memory.
Seven years before my mom died, I legally changed my first name. This was done following the suggestion of my mother — who wept when she heard the traumatic story of what I went through because of it. She never would have called me by that old name. I know this with absolute certainty because of something my mom did.
This dream showed me what I know in my heart to be true.
Two years before the name change my mother reached out. We didn’t get along very well. There were a lot of issues between us that created a giant wall making our relationship awkward — at best.
But, because she loved me, she asked me a question.
Do you want to be friends?
I did, and we built a bridge between our fractured souls and became very close.
The dream reminded me of how she changed our lives and how I can cherish her memory because of her courage.

Because of what we built I had the privilege to serve her as she battled cancer.
I was honored to be with her, holding her hand, singing Rock of Ages to her when she slipped into eternity.
I miss my mom.
But I savor the good and celebrate the gift of friendship she offered me.
I cherish this dream. It’s like I got a visit from heaven.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day. Share on X
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Here’s another mom story of mine — about my daughter and me.
*in 1988 I legally changed my first name – here is the story.
A few nights ago I cried myself to sleep coz I was missing my mom terribly. She cane to me in my dream! I asked her to make me dinner so she said yes. But we had to go this gas station to buy this giant prawns! This is something she would totally do. She would hear from so and so that this weird place sells the best seafood. Then she would persuade me to go on a quest with her. Prawns are her favorite. It was a strange but comforting dream. It was something I really needed as I am struggling with so many emotional and physical issues.
Oh, Bernadette, I’m so happy you were given that dream with your mom. What a precious gift.
Thank you for sharing it with me.
Love and prayers my precious friend.