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7 Ways to Refresh and Energize Your Emotional Health


It’s finally spring and we can open our windows. Let out the stale air of winter and let in some freshness. We love the smell and feel of the fresh air. It energizes us.

For example, I remember helping my mother do spring cleaning every year. We’d wash everything (walls, ceilings, light fixtures, frames, rugs, curtains…). The windows would be wide open with that fresh breeze coming in. The smell of the cleaners energized like aromatherapy. The curtains and rugs were hung outside on her clothesline to get the smell of fresh into the fabric. When finished, the house felt wonderful and ready for anything.

Our emotions need that kind of energy and freshness too.

The dark days of winter drag on too long. Everyday life can be monotonous and stressful. It depletes us emotionally. There are many things we can do to refresh and energize ourselves emotionally.

I give you 7 different ways—BUT with the help of some wonderful people—I have some great personal examples. The variety is awesome.

Pick as many as you like and fill your emotions with freshness—just like my mom and I made her house all fresh and clean.

Refreshing and energizing your emotions will make you feel wonderful.

There are many things we can do to refresh and energize ourselves emotionally. Share on X



Unplug from people, noise, thinking and being awake. This stops all the stimulus coming at you. Then when you reconnect it’ll be like rebooting yourself emotionally.

Do this through

  • solitude
  • silence
  • rest
  • escaping into a book or movie
  • sleep




Refilling emotionally is done through our five senses. Hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling, and tasting. They inspire us and invigorate us.

Do this through

  • listening to music
  • reading something inspirational or encouraging
  • watching a Hallmark movie
  • listening to recordings of nature (waterfalls, waves, thunder, rain…)
  • watching sunrises and sunsets over the water
  • reading Psalms or Proverbs while lying in bed with a good tea and pillows
  • any kind of exercise that gets the blood pumping
Refilling emotionally is done through our five senses. Share on X


adults want playtime 10 reasons needed


Fun is good—the doctor said so—Dr. Seuss. Doing something you enjoy stirs up the endorphins and replenishes you emotionally.

Get your fun on with

  • playing and goofiness
  • a hobby
  • kayaking
  • quilting
  • knitting
  • thrift store shopping
  • dancing to your favorite music
  • going to the gym
  • laughter
  • watching entertaining things on YouTube
  • taking a long drive to a planned destination or just drive for fun




Unload all the bottled up emotions. You might not even be aware of some things going on inside you.

Let it out through

  • journaling
  • meditation
  • prayer
  • breathing exercise
  • having a therapeutic cry (Did you know there’s a science to tears? I’ll share the link at end)
Emotions are an important part of us. Taking good care of them will add to your overall health & make you more productive. Share on X


5 ways adventure ensures selfcare


Getting outside can do wonders in many ways. Nature has an energy we pick up on when we get near it.

Let the wonders of the outside world inside of you through

  • breathing the fresh air
  • a long walk in nature
  • working in the garden
  • sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair listening to the birds
  • drinking in sunrises and sunsets, sitting in the sand watching the waves roll in
  • walking along the beach feeling the waves lap over your feet


The Power of Sharing


Connecting with others invigorates us. Lack of connection causes pain because we weren’t created to exist alone. We need connection for our emotional wellbeing.

Connect by

  • spending time with family
  • having coffee with a friend
  • sharing a meal with a friend
  • snuggling with your spouse
  • praising and worshiping God at church
  • praying in the Holy Spirit
  • spending quiet time with God in the Arizona desert


7 Ways to Refresh and Energize Your Emotional Health


Making a change creates a newness that refreshes. Changes can be to our surroundings, to ourselves, our situation or more.

Change up things in your life through

  • cleaning out a closet
  • getting rid of some things
  • getting a new hairstyle
  • rearranging your furniture
  • spring cleaning your house
  • changing your routine
  • taking a different way home from work or the store



Emotions are an important part of us. Taking good care of them will add to your overall health and make you more productive.

I’ve shared just a few examples. The list is as endless as your imagination. Some of the examples refresh and energize in more than one way.

However you decide to go about it—your emotional health will thank you.

Refreshing and energizing your emotions will make you feel wonderful. Share on X




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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Great insight, thanks Dani

    1. Danielle Bernock

      You’re welcome. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Love these reminders. Especially with the top strength of Achiever, I need FREQUENT reminders to slow down.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Yay. So glad you loved it. Happy to help.
      Thank you for reading and commenting.

  3. daniebothawriter

    Love it!
    So important to REFILL. To CONNECT with friends, family, nature, God. And to HAVE FUN. Get OUTSIDE. Get EXERCISE!
    Because it will help heal us and help fix our brokenness and grow stronger and in the process help others and inspire others!

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I’m so happy you loved it, Danie.
      You’re so right it helps us heal too.
      Today it’s raining so no outside fun for me. But I got a hot stone massage and it was great. #selfcare
      Thanks for sharing.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Alrighty then – thanks for stopping by.

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