Summer is a busy time of year. School break. College break. Vacations. House maintenance. Etc. There are so many ways we’re taking care of other people and things.
It’s easy to not take proper care of yourself with all those summer activities going on. To help you I have a list of 25 different ways you can take good care of yourself while enjoying your summer at the same time.
Proper self-care is important in the summer.
Proper self-care is important in the summer. Share on X
ONE – Get some sun
Sunlight gives your body vitamin D. This vitamin promotes strong healthy bones by helping your bodies absorb and use calcium. The deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to various kinds of cancer. Sunshine also lifts your mood making it good for your mental health.
TWO – Take a break from technology
Turn off your phone for a day. Take a break from social media for a day. Or set limits you can live with. For example, put your phone and iPad away for the first two hours of the day, or the last two hours of the day. Put them on airplane mode for one hour in the middle of the day just for a quiet break. You can include television in this if you like.
THREE – Playtime
Play a game. Play with a pet. Play with your kids or grandchildren. Play a sport. Play in a pool. Playing is having fun so it isn’t so much what you do to play but that you’re having fun. Adults need playtime. It’s easy to forget this. Playing is one of the most fun ways to take proper care of yourself.

FOUR – Encourage yourself
Talk to yourself kindly instead of negative self-talk. Speak words to build yourself up and spur yourself forward. Some call these affirmations. Other call them confessions. Put notes up around your house to remind you. If you have trouble with the idea of talking to yourself, get the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself. It changed my life. Buy it here.
FIVE – Use sunscreen
Getting sun is important but getting sunburn is painful. Too much of the wrong kind of sunrays is harmful. There are a ton of different kinds out there. Get what works for you and protect yourself.
SIX – Be intentional
Summer is here and you undoubtedly have things you want to happen before it’s over. By being intentional to schedule or plan those important things you take care of your inner desires and will be happy come fall. If you need help making the most of your summer check out an article I wrote here.
SEVEN – Hydrate
If you don’t drink water at all, add one glass or bottle a day until it doesn’t seem like a big deal. Then add another. Where you live affects how much water you need. There are many flavored waters on the market you can use also if you find plain water too boring.
EIGHT – Move your body
Some would call this exercise, but you don’t have to go to a gym to benefit. It can even be fun. Talk a walk. Ride a bike. Do some yoga or Tai Chi. Dancing is a fun way to move your body. Mix this with play and you take care of yourself even better.
NINE – Daily gratitude
Do this simply or turn it into a fun project. Simply could be having a notebook and writing one thing down each morning that you’re grateful for from the previous day. For more of a fun project, you could have a “good things jar” as I have. How to make one here.
TEN – Make your bed
One simple task you can do early in the day to make you feel accomplished. Studies have shown this one little thing can alter your attitude and make you more productive. Such an easy way to take care of yourself.
ELEVEN – Quiet time
Taking time to be quiet can be through meditation or prayer. Mediation can be guided or quiet. The point is to calm yourself and relax your body and inner self. This quieting empowers you to think clearer and release stress. For help doing quiet meditation go here.
TWELVE – Connect with people
People need people. Humans are relational beings and we need connection. Call a friend. Go out for coffee. Schedule a meet up at the park with your kids or grandkids. Go to a public place to people watch and strike up a conversation with a stranger.
THIRTEEN – Read more
If you don’t read, start. If you do, increase. Read books, magazines, and blog posts. Reading is good for learning and entertaining.
FOURTEEN – Declutter
You don’t have to get rid of everything – take a breath. But clearing out just one cluttered space can alleviate stress. This can begin with putting things away after you use them. Or clean out a closet and get rid of what you don’t use.
FIFTEEN – Journal
Journaling is a way to relieve stress, clarify your thoughts, and understand yourself better. It’s also helpful to work through painful things, and track our emotional health.
Daydream. Imagine possibilities. Allow your imagination to take you on a mental vacation, to see yourself how you want to be, or go to places you want to go. Feed your good inner images.
SEVENTEEN – Increase healthy eating
Add something healthy to your diet. This could be adding a certain food. A fruit, vegetable or protein. It could also be not rushing through or skipping a meal.

EIGHTEEN – Remember you’re human
Give yourself grace. Forgive yourself for mistakes. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself time. Don’t try to be all things to all people all the time – it’s not possible. A reminder for you here.
NINETEEN – Conquer one bad habit
Just one. Pick the easiest one and you’ll feel successful. Then when you’re ready, conquer another. One at a time is how we succeed.
TWENTY – Feed your senses
Aromatherapy. Walk through a garden. Get out in nature. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells. Be aware of your surroundings.
TWENTY-ONE – Take care of your body
Go for routine doctor and dental appointments. Go to a chiropractor. If you suffer chronic issues explore other options like reflexology, massage therapy, acupuncture, hormone therapy…there are many others.
TWENTY-TWO – Take care of your skin
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Protect it with sunscreen. Moisturize it with cream. Clean it with mild soap. Hydrate it by drinking water.
TWENTY-THREE – Laugh more
Laughing is more than fun. It’s soul therapy. Need help laughing more follow my Facebook page where I post a joke daily (example) or for more ideas go here.
TWENTY-FOUR – Get enough sleep
Set a bedtime so you get the sleep you need. How much do you need? Some need more than others. You decide. Some symptoms of sleep deprivation are moodiness, yawning, irritability, inability to concentrate or learn, lack of motivation, clumsiness, and forgetfulness.
TWENTY-FIVE – Vacation / Staycation
Refresh yourself. Get away or pull away. Take time for yourself. Take time for your family if you have one. Go away for a weekend. Stay at home and binge watch Netflix.
There are many ways you can take care of yourself this summer. Pick the ones you like.
There are many ways you can take care of yourself this summer. Pick the ones you like. Share on X
- Which one or ones will you do?
- Got another idea? Please share in the comments.
- Subscribe to my blog and get this Getting Started With Self-Care.
These are great tips, Danielle! Sharing on Twitter. Blessings on your summer!
Thank you, Sarah. Blessings and lots of fun to you!
Great tips!
Thank you, Jennifer.
Danielle, I love your Monday morning emails chock full of wisdom and care! This list has so many great self-care options. Enjoy your summer, Pami
Thank you. Enjoy your summer too, Pami!!