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2 Ways to Become More Kind



Becoming more kind is important because kindness can change the world. I learned its world-changing powers by studying what true kindness is and wrote What In The World Does It Mean to Be Kind. Then I gathered stories from individuals I know to see ways kindness had changed their world.

Kindness is powerful so I want to become more kind. How do we do it? I found 2 ways. All the other ways out there fall under one or the other.


Kindness is powerful. Share on X


The First Way to Become More Kind


Doing acts of kindness for others. But not only for others. You matter as well and proper self-care is important. Kindness to self is good self-care and will help you become kinder to others.

There are countless articles with lists of acts of kindness we can practice. I offer one myself (30 Ways to Practice Love and Kindness). No list is exhaustive. The list of kind things we can do is endless.

One of the lists I found said to care for others genuinely. How is a person supposed to do that on command? I don’t think they can. They need a source.

The list of kind things we can do is endless. Share on X


The Second Way to Become More Kind

Connect to the source of kindness.

For some, this is a no-brainer and for others, it’s a huge challenge. I’m talking about God being the source of kindness. Some don’t want to connect with him because they don’t see him as kind.

I struggled with this for a long time. My perception of God was skewed. Kindness was not something I thought he always had available. It seemed it was something he carried in his back pocket offering it to those who deserved it. I rarely felt like I deserved it. But I was wrong about God. He is generous with kindness. In fact, he promised it would always be available to us.

The mountains may move, and the hills may shake, but my kindness will never depart from you. My promise of peace will never change,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. –Isaiah 54:10 (emphasis mine)

Connecting with the source of kindness begins with daring to believe he is the source. From there we just ask for help and he’s willing and able to help us.

I was wrong about God. He is generous with kindness. Share on X


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thank you, Selma. I enjoy hearing your thoughts as well!

  1. Danielle, God is kind and as you brought out we can become kind. It’s one of the fruit that he develops in us. And it doesn’t cost anything to be kind. We once invited someone over to our home after church. There was no roast to put before them, but we did have hot dogs and I made a side dish. They were so touched that we cared enough to invite them over. People just want to know someone cares. And sometimes it can be as little as a hot dog lunch shared.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      I completely agree. People just want to know someone cares.
      Thank you for sharing, Anne.

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