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2 Keys To Achieving Goals


Achieving a goal is a satisfying experience; but you can’t achieve a goal if you don’t set one. The practice of setting goals can be quite intimidating without the 2 keys I’m going to share with you. Before I learned these 2 keys I not only didn’t achieve my goals, I stopped setting them because my failures turned into self-destruction.

How so?

I’d write down the things I wanted to do but when I didn’t achieve them, I would beat myself up with shame and self-condemnation.**

Then I learned 2 keys that changed all that. Two little things anyone can do and get the results they long for.

Because of what I learned I not only set goals—I achieved them!

I’ll show you what I learned and how it works.



The first thing I needed to achieve my goals was to see them differently than I had in the past—through the eyes of grace.

Without grace, I’d make a list of things I should do. Then I would start to oppress myself to achieve them. But oppression isn’t motivating. It’s more like the old movie monster named Godzilla who made lots of noise and destroyed stuff.

  • Grace destroys oppression.
  • Grace reminds you that you’re human.
  • Grace takes the should out of goals and turns them into a place you’re aiming for.
  • Grace helps you follow a plan—a way to get where you’re going that’s good self-care instead of destructive.

The number one key to achieving a goal is to see through the eyes of grace.



Maybe you’ve heard the line ‘one step at a time.’ I had, but it didn’t help me. Not until I learned something called The Next Step. I learned this little gem from Michael Hyatt at one of his Best Year Yet webinars. It revolutionized my ability to accomplish goals. The one step is the next step.

How it works is after you’ve made your goal, you expect only one thing of yourself—the next step.

What is this next step? It’s what you identify as something you’re fully capable of doing to take one step toward your goal.

And after you take your first next step then there is the next.

And then the next…

Step after step until you achieve your goal with grace.


The most important step is always the next step. – Michael Hyatt



Two reasons this works.

  1. The next step process is full of grace. Just one thing to do. One thing you’re capable of doing. Goals exist outside of our comfort zone but each next step is something inside the comfort zone.
  2. At the end of the year, you see progress even if you fall short of the entire goal. Which goes back to grace. The next step process removes the pass/fail – live/die oppressive emotions and replaces them with look how far you’ve come. The next step process celebrates progress. Even if you only do 1 next step you’ve moved in the direction of your goal.

 These keys work because oppression is destroyed and replaced with progress.



Decide what goal or goals to set. Ask yourself these questions.

  • What do you want to do or accomplish?
  • What’s most important to you?

Decide what area or areas you want to set a goal.

  • Things pertaining to you personally – self-care
  • Things pertaining to others – relationships
  • Things pertaining to circumstances – work or activities

Write down your goal. A thought in your head is only a wish and will be forgotten.

  • Be specific. Using words like more or less can’t be measured and rob you of the ability to celebrate progress.
    • Don’t be afraid and remember grace.
  • Have a deadline. For example, by the end of the week, the end of a specific month or the end of the year.
    • These give you mini time frames before them for the little next steps so you can celebrate progress.

Know your why. Your reasons are vital. Why are you going after this goal?

  • This is what keeps you going when you’re uncomfortable.
  • This is the payoff you want or the adrenaline during the process.
  • It could be spiritual, emotional, mental/intellectual or physical.

Love yourself while you aim to achieve goals.

  • Challenge yourself but be kind. Going after a goal will be aiming outside the comfort zone. Prepare for discomfort, not misery.
  • Be realistic and honest with yourself. Goals are not abracadabra for wishes.
  • Start small and build as you go. Too many goals at once can become overwhelming.

 HOW you go about achieving your goals is as important as achieving them.


HOW you go about achieving your goals is as important as achieving them. Share on X



The first time I implemented the keys of grace and The Next Step I achieved so much. I didn’t complete them all but I still had so much to celebrate.

  • I made goals when I used to be afraid of them!
  • I made them small enough to achieve.
  • I exceeded 5 of them.
  • I achieved 8 things I wouldn’t have done had I not set goals.
  • On 5 of the goals I did not achieve, I took at least 1 next step.
  • Progress.
  • Personal growth.

I couldn’t have done it without Grace and The Next Step process.



Today is a good time to start. It doesn’t need to be the beginning of a year or a month. Today is good. Procrastination wants to stop you—don’t let it.

Now that you have the framework, determine your next step.

  • Identify one thing to do. Just ONE thing!
  • Keep it simple and doable. Fear can’t stop you when you’re succeeding.
  • Resist the temptation to look too far ahead. Your process will become clearer as you go.

Utilize your cheerleaders.

  • Nothing cheers us on as quickly as success. Noting your progress and celebrating the little victories are important. Progress is progress no matter how small.
  • Keep your vision before you—it’ll speak to you.

Remember the keys of grace and The Next Step.

Excessive planning is often a fancy way to procrastinate. – Michael Hyatt

Share a goal in the comments and let me be a cheerleader for you.

**Are you crippled by shame and self-condemnation? Maybe it’s a trauma response like it used to be for me. Take this free assessment.

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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

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