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15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer


Summer goes by way too fast. There’s a way to make the most of it. I live in a beautiful state with much to do and see. To make the most of your summer make an action plan. When we plan things we do them. When we daydream, think about or wish – sometimes we never follow through.

If we don’t follow through, the summer will be over before you had a chance to enjoy it. That’s why you need a plan. Start a list. Make it as long or short as you want. To get you started here are 15 ways you can make the most of your summer enjoyment.

Make it a great summer on purpose.

Make it a great summer on purpose. Share on X


ONE—Go for a walk out in nature.

I live in a subdivision that has parks with trees and paths. It’s easy for me to take a break from writing or whatever I’m doing and go for a walk and feel like I’m out in the middle of nowhere. There’s just something rejuvenating about being in nature. Hear the birds. Smell the flowers. Listen to the sounds of nature. When I lived in Arizona a walk like this would be done early in the morning before the blazing temperatures.


TWO—Go for a walk in your city or town.

If you have a downtown area or city square visit there. People watch. Strike up a conversation with someone. Observe. Perhaps there’s a new coffee shop or store you hadn’t seen before. See where you live with different eyes.


THREE—Get up early to watch the sunrise.

If you’re not a morning person this might be difficult, but you decide if it’s worth it to you. Sunrises are beautiful. Especially if there are clouds to cause all the vivid colors. You could use a weather app to find out what kind of sunrise to expect. If you’re game, grab a blanket, your favorite morning beverage and drive somewhere to watch the sunrise.

15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer
Photo Danielle Bernock Sunrise Shelby Twp MI


FOUR—Go star gazing.

The less light of the city the more stars you can see. In Michigan, there is what’s called a dark sky park. There’s something amazing about looking at the stars. It fills me with wonder. Looking out into the vast sky has a way of making you feel small but part of something huge at the same time.


FIVE—Watch a sunset.

Over the water if possible. Or if you live near mountains that’s another good choice. Sunsets, like sunrises, are breathtaking. The beauty invigorates your soul.

15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer
Photo Danielle Bernock Sunset Phx AZ


SIX—Visit a state park.

Every state has one and they’re all different. You decide if you want to visit one in the state you live in or one in another state. Some people make it their goal to visit every state park in their lifetime. If you’re not in the USA visit whatever park is available to you.


SEVEN—Play with bubbles.

Do it with children or just do it yourself. It will release your inner child. There are lots of things you can pick up at the store to make bubbles different colors and sizes. One year my grandkids and I made bubble snakes. If you want to know how comment and I’ll reply with a link for you.


EIGHT—Walk on a beach.

Sandy if possible. Walk so that your feet get wet. Feel the sand between your toes and the water lapping over your feet. Stop and build something in the sand and/or collect seashells. If you only have rocky beaches wear water shoes. Collect pretty rocks or look for smooth ones to skip in the water. Breathe in the lake or ocean air.

15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer


NINE—Do something you’ve never done before.

What have you wanted to do and haven’t done? Have you ever been on a balloon ride? Have you dreamed of skydiving? (I thought about it but chickened out.) Or maybe you want to color your hair, get a massage, or try a new food you’ve never had before. Whatever it might be, doing something new adds adventure to our lives and that is good for us in many ways.


TEN—Go to a country fair.

There are so many sights, sounds and tastes to take in at a country fair. Things you don’t see every day. My grandson rides horses at a country fair so every year I have the opportunity to go. One of the many things I enjoy when I go (besides watching my grandson – wink) is watching the chainsaw artist carve wood into masterpieces.


ELEVEN—Take in some live music outdoors.

My husband and I love doing this. There are two places near us that have free outdoor live music all summer long. One is at an outdoor mall and the other is in the city square. I plan to get the schedule and mark the calendar with our favorites. There are various festivals where you can see live music also. For example, the Renaissance Festival is in many states. In Michigan, we have the Sterlingfest.

15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer
Photo Danielle Bernock Utica Unwind


TWELVE—Make chalk paint.

I’d not heard of this until one rainy day two of my grandkids and I invented it. After the rain stopped, we went out to play in the puddles. We got the sidewalk chalk out and started to draw. My creative grandkids got the idea of using the chalk in the puddles too and chalk paint was born. It was great fun.


THIRTEEN—Plant something.

Plant a garden, flowers or a tree. Planting something always causes hope to rise up because you’re planting life. You don’t have to have a green thumb because it doesn’t need to be elaborate. Some cities even have events to plant trees that you could attend.

15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer
Photo Pixabay


FOURTEEN—Go to an outdoor sporting event.

It doesn’t matter if it’s professional or a kid’s game. Both are fun. Scream and yell and have a blast. Feel the invigoration around you.


FIFTEEN—Go away for a weekend.

Take the time to do some self-care. Go far away or not. The point is to change your surroundings for a brief time. This is good for adventure, refreshing and also to appreciate home when we return.


Mix and match the ones you like to make the most of your summer.

Mix and match the ones you like to make the most of your summer. Share on X



  • Which of the 15 do you like the best?
  • What can you add to my list? Please leave ideas in the comments.
  • Share this to help someone else make the most of their summer.


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Danielle Bernock

Author, Coach, and Speaker helping men, women, and organizations EMERGE with clear vision of their value, TAKE ownership of their choices, and CHART a path to their promise, becoming Victorious Souls who Embrace The Change from survive to thrive through the power of the love of God

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Our California spring has been strange as well! We had hail two weekends ago! Now It is starting to warm up. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. You could always pile on clothes when cold and be comfy. you could only take off so much in the summer before you get arrested. lol. Anyway, these are fun ideas! I definitely could live by the beach myself. Maybe i can talk my husband to a hot air balloon ride.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Hail in California? Wow. We’ve been having so much rain it’s ridiculous. Spring is pretty but the rain caused the blooming trees to lose their flowers faster than usual. Fall is my favorite. I love the colors and the smell in the air. Plus hoodies are comfy.

      Glad you liked my ideas. I went on a hot air balloon ride a few years back. It was cool to be up so high looking down. But it moved so slow. I like zip lining much better. Speed freak lol.

      I hope the rain doesn’t wreck the live music schedule here this summer. That’s one of my favorite things to do.

  2. Excellent summer suggestions. I like walking a beach, playing with bubbles, growing something and taking walks. All are great, these are my top picks! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Anonymous

    Fly a kite! I used to love it as a kid. Now I want to teach my son how to get that kite up.

    1. Danielle Bernock

      Thanks, Alicia. Great suggestion. They have a festival with kites at a park near me. We saw it when we went to a wedding there on the beach. Kites are cool.

    2. Anonymous

      Great addition! 🙂

      1. Danielle Bernock

        Thank you!

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